
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

AppDev in the Cloud with Financial Customer Evaluation Solution

appdev cloud
Good or bad financial customer?
The oldest business logic demo in modern JBoss BRMS times is the Customer Evaluation example launched back in June 2012.

Back then, JBoss BRMS included rules, events and processes. The project provides a fully installed and configured environment for showcasing the project and all the available BPM components. It  includes a JBoss Developer Studio project complete with unit tests.

Since then this project was ported to work on OpenShift version one, version two and it just makes sense to provide it as an AppDev in the Cloud example on the OpenShift Container Platform version three.

Let's take a closer look at how to get started with  the Customer Evaluation project using the JBoss BPM Suite on OpenShift Container Platform.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

10 Steps to Cloud Happiness: Step 7 - Retail Web Shop

10 steps cloud happiness
Step 7 - Retail Web Shop
Every journey starts at the beginning and this journey's no exception, a journey of 10 steps to cloud happiness

As previously presented in the introduction, it's possible to find cloud happiness through a journey focused on the storyline of digital transformation and the need to deliver applications in to a cloud service.

Application delivery and all it's moving parts such as containers, cloud, platform as a service (PaaS) and a digital journey requires some planning to get started. There's nothing like hands-on steps to quickly leverage real experiences as you prepare.

Previously we covered how to get a cloud, the use of a service catalog, how to add cloud operations functionality, centralizing business logic, process improvement, and the human aspect, so what's next?

Thursday, November 16, 2017

AppDev in the Cloud with Baggage Delivery Solutions

appdev in cloud
Back in March 2015 the JBoss BPM Baggage Delivery application demo project was launched based on work by a North American Solution Architect, Jason Milliron at Red Hat.

It consisted of a local installation and demo instructions to run this on your own local machine.

After languishing for over two years now, in dire need of updating, it's been brought forward in to the age of cloud, containers, and modernized application delivery.

The local installation remains an option, but now it's enhanced with an installation on a private cloud on your laptop with the OpenShift Container Platform so why not push this baggage delivery example in to the clouds?

What's been done to bring this application up to date:
  1. Updated existing JBoss Demo Central Baggage Delivery project.
  2. Create the AppDev in the Cloud project providing Baggage Delivery application delivered in a container on OpenShift Container Platform.
  3. Added link to Red Hat Demo Central for container deployment, listed as option two.
Let's take a closer look at how to get started with AppDev in the Cloud and the Baggage Delivery project.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Windows Hyper-V OpenShift Container Platform Install in Minutes

windows hyper-v openshift container platform
Install OpenShift Container Platform on Hyper-V
Since the release of the OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) it has been my desire to provide a simple, fully configured and easy to use installation.

This installation needs to have the Red Hat Middleware product streams installed (pre-configured container options) and all the extras like source to image and .Net Core containers.

For some time there's been easy to use installations for Unix platforms like Linux, osX and a generic Windows installation. During workshops where attendees would arrive using various versions and configurations of Windows, each requiring it's own tweaks to install using Virtualbox.

While Linux has the ability install using the native virtual environment under KVM, Windows has been lagging behind with our support of Hyper-V.

No more.

Thanks to a community member of our project, today you can install on Windows using Hyper-V as your virtual machine provider.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

10 Steps to Cloud Happiness: Step 6 - Human Aspect

10 steps cloud happiness
Step 6 - Human aspect
Every journey starts at the beginning and this journey's no exception, a journey of 10 steps to cloud happiness

As previously presented in the introduction, it's possible to find cloud happiness through a journey focused on the storyline of digital transformation and the need to deliver applications in to a cloud service.

Application delivery and all it's moving parts such as containers, cloud, platform as a service (PaaS) and a digital journey requires some planning to get started. There's nothing like hands-on steps to quickly leverage real experiences as you prepare.

Previously we covered how to get a cloud, the use of a service catalog, how to add cloud operations functionality, centralizing business logic, and process improvement, so what's next?

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

10 Steps to Cloud Happiness: Step 5 - Real Process Improvement

10 steps
Step 5 - Winning with process improvement.
Every journey starts at the beginning and this journey's no exception, a journey of 10 steps to cloud happiness

As previously presented in the introduction, it's possible to find cloud happiness through a journey focused on the storyline of digital transformation and the need to deliver applications in to a cloud service.

Application delivery and all it's moving parts such as containers, cloud, platform as a service (PaaS) and a digital journey requires some planning to get started. There's nothing like hands-on steps to quickly leverage real experiences as you prepare.

Previously we covered how to get a cloud, the use of a service catalog, how to add cloud operations functionality, and centralizing business logic so what's next?