
Thursday, February 22, 2018

All Things Open 2018 - Career, Cloud and OpenSource

all things open
Last year I planned on targeting this great conference in the South of the US, called All Things Open. After submitting my talks I was forced to back out due to work priorities requiring my presence elsewhere, something I have never done to a conference, ever.

I made a mental note to go all in the next time around and here it is, in Raleigh, North Carolina from Oct 21-23.

The call for papers deadline is April 24th, so get your talks in if you have them. I have put forth a mix of soft skills and hard core cloud application delivery sessions that I hope get me in the door.

Here's what I came up with.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Shift Developer Conference 2018 - Diving in deep with Open, Containers, Cloud and AppDev

shift developer
I have been watching the Shift Developer Conference for some time, but it rarely has fit into my schedule so attendance was never an option.

This year the stars are aligned and I pulled this one into my must-do list.

Not only do I plan to attend this conference, I've taken it a step farther and submitted some of my ideas as a test bed for their validity. I am always working towards new and better ways to share what's going on in my world, so here's what I have come up with.

I have a few ideas to share some of the softer skills that have been a part of my toolbox as a developer in the open source universe I live in. These first two sessions target these kinds of talks, so we'll see if this conference gives them any traction: