
Monday, August 27, 2018

Red Hat Partner Community Meetup in the Netherlands

red hat partner community
While most of what I talk about here is related to open source technologies that reside in the solution portfolio of Red Hat, I'd like to think it's because working with good technology is why you read this content.

This article is a bit of a plug for something directly related to the business of working with Red Hat technologies and customers. It's about partnering with Red Hat as an organization to further expand your reach and provide your developers / consultants / architects with the chance to work with all of these open source technologies.

Last week, I was invited to present for the Red Hat Partner Community Meetup in the Netherlands. This is a very unique group of companies known as Premier Partners that can deliver IT services for customers using open source technologies supported by Red Hat.

My talk was about giving these partners a preview on the application development product portfolio, such as what is coming, timelines and what's driving future direction in the products. Here's a peek at the lead slide, as unless you were in attendance, that's all you're going to get.

red hat partner community

The question you might be asking yourself is, "How can I get in on sessions like this?"

That's not as hard as you think, but it does involve you getting in touch about the depth of collaboration with Red Hat, how to get your companies services mentioned, and how to accelerate your open source solutions.

Hope to welcome you and your teams soon as Red Hat Partners!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

All Things Open 2018 - 10 Steps to Cloud Happiness

all things open
As previously mentioned, I'm a big fan of the All Things Open conference.

This year it's in Raleigh, North Carolina from Oct 21-23 and I submitted a few talks to make sure I would be there.

The talks ranged in topics from cloud application development, ensuring success on your open source journey, jump starting a career in open source, to emerging technologies.

Low an behold, the following talk was accepted and I'll get to meet all the great attendees in North Carolina soon.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Shift Developer Conference 2018 - How to Jump Start a Career in Open Source (video)

shift developer
As previously posted, I spent this week at the largest developer conference in Southeast Europe, known as the Shift Developer Conference 2018.

I gave a talk on the soft skill side of development, suggesting some ways to jump start a career in open source. I did not mention coding, pull requests or even suggest to join a coding project. It's more subtle than the obvious components one would expect in such a topic.

My career in open source has been a long one and I think I've got a few good tips, tricks and pieces of advice based on what's worked on this long and wonderful journey.

After the event slides were posted. The only item missing was the on-site video recording of my session. The organizers posted that today, so here you go.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Open Networking Summit Europe 2018 Talk Accepted

This coming September, 25-27 in Amsterdam The Linux Foundation is hosting the Open Networking Summit Europe (ONS) 2018.

ONS brings together business and technical leaders across enterprise, cloud and service providers to share learnings, highlight innovation and discuss the future of open networking and orchestration. ONS Europe will feature 3 days of sessions, including project-based technical sessions, tutorials, workshops, keynotes and more.

If you are interested in participating you can submit through their site, later they will be posting the agenda and registration details.

As previously posted, we've submitted the following session that got accepted!