
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Codemotion Rome 2020 submissions

codemotion rome 2020
It's that time of year again, where one of the best Codemotion conferences that is held in Rome on March 27-28, 2020.

I've been invited to speak there several times over the years but it's been awhile so it's time to try again with the topics and material that's been developed over the last year. There's workshop material focused on creating DevOps heroes, microservice tips, and a bit of career help with how open source  is the key.

These are the following submissions I've put forth for Codemotion Rome 2020:

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Getting Started with Cloud Native Development on OpenShift Container Platform (video)

After hosting a webinar to kick start developers looking to get hands on with an easy to use Cloud Native developer tool chain, I wanted to share a step-by-step video with you.

The video walks through the use of Red Hat Developers hosted tooling for Red Hat OpenShift Application Runtimes (RHOAR) used to automate the setup of a full cloud native development tool chain.

First you'll use the Launcher to coordinate your setup, then choose a Spring Boot example application, create a git-based project with web hooks to push changes to an OpenShift Container Platform for automated build, test, and deployment using containers.

Check it all out here, done in just under 10 minutes.

Monday, October 14, 2019

How to Jump Start Your Career in Open Source (video)

open source career
Back in August I spent a week at DevConf.US and got to share a really special story that comes from personal experience while being involved in open source throughout my career.

It's one I've used to open events, as a keynote in various adjusted forms, and as a session like this one. One thing remains the same throughout each telling, it's about sharing how to jump start your career in open source.
It's a very special talk, one that reached out to each and every one of us regardless of your age, the number of years in your job, and most of all, no matter what you are doing right now you'll learn something new. Not many talks promise you that, do they?

Here's the session recording from DevConf.US 2019 in Boston University.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

3 Pitfalls Everyone Ignores with Microservices (video)

3 pitfalls microservices
Back in August I spent a week at DevConf.US talking about microservices, specifically about the 3 pitfalls everyone ignores with microservices.

If you follow the link back to that story you'll get the slides used.

While slides are often nice, there is nothing like being in the room to experience the real story telling around microservice pitfalls. Many are unable to attend specific events so it's really nice when a conference makes that extra effort to record sessions for posting online.

Here's the session recording from DevConf.US 2019 in Boston University.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Getting Started with Cloud Native Development on OpenShift Container Platform (webinar)

cloud native development
This week I'm hosting a webinar to kick start developers looking to get hands on with an easy to use Cloud Native developer tool chain. It's part of an introduction series of webinars (more here) to help participants get started with their hackaton competition using open source technologies.

This hackaton is sponsored by Red Hat and it's an amazing opportunity for you to leverage the power and disruptiveness of open source. What better way to do this than by teaming up with your best developer colleagues, compete against the best developers in Europe, and take home awesome prizes!

You choose the area. You choose the application, service, frameworks or programming languages you want to use for your solution. We only want you to leverage the power of open source technology provided by Red Hat and plan to mentor you through the process. 

In the webinar on Thursday, 10 Oct at 14:00 CET, I'll be walking you through, live and hands-on, how to setup the cloud native tool chain. You'll see how easy it is on the hand of an example front end application with database back end, then I'll show you how to generate a repository for the project code by linking to your Github account, and generating a CI/CD pipeline to build, test, and deploy directly in to your OpenShift Container Platform.

Red Hat OpenShift Application Runtimes (RHOAR) 
When: Thursday, October 10: 14:00 CET (30 minutes)

To Watch, follow this link:

I've recorded the session and annotated the experience for your viewing pleasure. Watch for this video to be posted here after the event. See you online later this week!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

DevOpsDays Raleigh 2019 - Creating Real DevOps Heroes (workshop)

DevOps Days
Today was the launch of  this new workshop, focused on creating real DevOps heros by sharing a brand new (for most) tool for their toolboxes at DevOps Days Raleigh.

Whether you're a developer or and operations minded person, it's always nice to have a powerful selection of tooling to choose from when tackling the various problems in your daily work.

When this session was accepted I was pretty excited as it gave me the chance to share something entirely new with process automation and DevOps at it's core. While thinking about how to leverage automation integration across organizations for more than just CI/CD and infrastructure automation, this workshop was born.

Here's the abstract and workshop slides for you to enjoy as it's designed for anyone to enjoy from any web browser at their own pace.