
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

CodeReady Containers - Getting Started with HR Employee Rewards Project in the Cloud

hr employee rewards
AppDev in Cloud HR Employee Rewards
Previously posted that I've started a refresh of the Red Hat Demo Central collection of AppDev in the Cloud projects by updating the Code Ready Containers Easy Install.

As it promises, you'll have a local container platform cluster installed on your personal machine based on OpenShift Container Platform 4.2, in just minutes. The next step is to start leveraging this local container platform cluster for some cloud native development experience, focusing on bringing all the existing content up to date.

This articles outlines getting started with the HR Employee Rewards project on the above installation as default, though you can point this installation to any existing OpenShift Container Platform (pass an IP address).

Let's take a look at how easy it is to get started with CodeReady Containers HR Employee Rewards Demo.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Voxxed Days Milan 2020 - Open Career, Microservice Questions, and DevOps Heroes

voxxed days milan
The usual process is to wait for the conference call for papers (Voxxed Days Milan) to close before publishing the sessions and workshops submitted, but this time it's going to be promotion of the event above the talks submitted!

Voxxed Days Milan 2020 shall be hosted on a single day, May 16th 2020 in Milan, Italy. The organizers reached out for some help publicizing their event and getting you, the great speakers in our developer communities, motivated to submit your ideas for Voxxed Days Milan call for papers.

It's worth noting, any talks you end up giving are going to be recorded. After the conference all videos of the talks will eventually be published online. You can enjoy previous’ year edition of Voxxed Days Milan 2019 recordings here. Even those not at Voxxed Days Milan can watch them, but the real fun was being there.

I'll admit, I got a bit excited as the event looks to be great fun and in a wonderful city full of history and vibrant life. I might have gone a bit overboard but submitted no less than three ideas; one is a workshop overview, one is an insightful look at integration challenges, and the final one is a keynote on how open can be the key to your career.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Blueprint for omnichannel integration architecture (webinar)

omnichannel integration architecture
Are you interested in the insights to how organizations are implementing the foundational integration building blocks that lead to successful communication with their customers?

This story is about how an omnichannel customer experience makes customer engagement across all channels as efficient as engagement with a single channel. Let's take a detailed look at an architecture blueprint based on research of actual customer solutions, and gain insight into how your integration architecture can map to support your customers’ omnichannel experiences.

Register for this webinar and you'll gain insights on how your current architecture can map to support your customers experiences, for a detailed look at an architectural blueprint based on successful customer solutions, and receive instruction on how to discuss an omnichannel architecture in detail.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Digital Architecture Design Day 2019 - Open is Key to Your Career (slides)

digital architecture design day
Previous mentioned that today a unique conference for IT architects took place at  Congress center 1931. The Digital Architecture Design Day 2019 (DADD) asked for a keynote opening that would be motivational.

With a conference full of architects you can expect the keynotes to have titles focused on customer centrist design, digital transformation, and other technically focused topics. Nothing wrong with that, but I thought it might be fun to share a story with you about how being more open might just be the secret sauce for your career as an architect.

Here are a few comments posted by various attendees:

“What a week ☺💜 a week ago i was at #dadd2019, got inspired by Eric D. Schabell whose great talk turned out to be a natural bridge to my workshop session on how to engage and involve everyone in decision making.” -- Maryse Meinen

"Great keynote about sharing knowledge from Eric D. Schabell at #DADD2019" -- Joost Lommers

"Great opening about sharing knowledge from Eric D. Schabell at #dadd2019" -- CKC Seminars

The slides for this session are available here:

Monday, November 11, 2019

How to setup OpenShift Container Platform on your local machine in minutes

It's been awhile since I've talked about running OpenShift Container Platform on your local machine.

This mean a container platform at your finger tips, one you can experience the joys of cloud native development and automated rolling deployments. Since I started pulling together ways to easily experience this with OpenShift Container Platform, back with version 3.3 believe it or not, we've come a long ways.

For some time now I've been waiting for the local installation that stopped being supported with OpenShift Container Platform 3.9 to reappear in version 4.x. Well now it's finally here with the last release of OpenShift Container Platform 4.2, in the form of Code Ready Containers.

The idea was to make this as streamlined of an experience as possible by using the same Code Ready Containers Easy Install project. Let's take a look at what this looks like.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Red Hat Summit 2020 submissions

It's that time of year again, where we all start putting our heads together and submitting our biggest ideas to the Red Hat Summit 2020 in San Francisco on Apr 27-29.

The last few years I've been lucky enough to head up the hands-on labs, meaning working with the selection team, the planning team, the labs development teams, the presenters, and finally the support teams on site. It's grown every year an last year was no less than 57 labs run for our attendees, with 6 of the top 10 voted sessions being hands-on labs. The top 3 of 4 for entire event where also hands-on labs sessions, so we're proud of our labs presenters!

As you can imagine, that is a lot of work that has caused my participation in other areas (like presenting sessions myself) to decrease noticeably across that time span. This year I've been able to scale back my participation in hands-on labs to just the selection planning, with another team assuming the development and delivery management phases.

Let's look at what this means for my participation in sharing open technology and ideas this year?

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Red Hat Forum Poland - Keynote and 3 Ptifall Sessions (slides)

red hat forum
This week in Warsaw, Poland we entertained around a thousand attendees at the National Stadium for the Red Hat Forum Poland 2019.

For the keynote we had around 700 attendees in the main stage area and they were even lined up along the back and sides of the room. The turnout was exceptional.

Along with keynoting, we interacted with attendees on sessions covering the pitfalls of microservice and hybrid multicloud transitions for organizations.

Below you'll find the slides for each session.