
Monday, December 30, 2019

2019 in review - Open career and portfolio architecture

2019 in review
As 2019 winds down to its end, I find it a good time to slow down and reflect on what as transpired.

We've shared time together in articles, on flights, on stages, at the coffee machine, on video channels, and in many a Red Hat office around the globe. 

I've spent the year with a fun team where we've been creating architectural blueprints based on customer solutions leveraging the open technology portfolio at Red Hat. Watch for more of this from me in 2020 as we push on ahead.

I passed the ten year mark at Red Hat and we're living in interesting times. With that in mind, here's my review activities from 2019.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Red Hat Summit 2020 - An Advanced Agile Integration Blueprint

Back in early November I shared a pile of submissions to Red Hat Summit 2020 in San Francisco on Apr 27-29.

Since that time I've again, for the 4th year in a row, been leading the team that select and delivers your hands-on labs experience at Red Hat Summit.

As of last week we've finalized the hands-on labs and started sending acceptance emails (rejects follow later), along with the first round of acceptances for other sessions. Anyone who looks closely at my submissions to Red Hat Summit each year should notice I'm no longer putting any hands-on labs in the call for papers. Being on the selection team I've felt that's not right to participate in that type of session, so I've focused on other session types.

With this round of notifications, I've gotten one session accepted. Let's see what you can join me for in San Francisco, shall we?

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Blueprint for omnichannel integration architecture (webinar slides)

omnichannel integration architecture
Are you interested in the insights to how organizations are implementing the foundational integration building blocks that lead to successful communication with their customers?

This story was presented today in a recorded available on demand webinar. Register to view recording of this webinar and you'll gain insights on how your current architecture can map to support your customers experiences, for a detailed look at an architectural blueprint based on successful customer solutions, and receive instruction on how to discuss an omnichannel architecture in detail.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Code Ready Containers - Getting Started with Process Automation in the Cloud

red hat process automation
AppDev in the Cloud with Process Automation
Previously posted that I've started a refresh of the Red Hat Demo Central collection of AppDev in the Cloud projects by updating the Code Ready Containers Easy Install.

As it promises, you'll have a local container platform cluster installed on your personal machine based on OpenShift Container Platform 4.2, in just minutes. The next step is to start leveraging this local container platform cluster for some cloud native development experience, focusing on bringing all the existing content up to date.

This articles outlines getting started with the Red Hat Process Automation Easy Install project on the above installation as default, though you can point this installation to any existing OpenShift Container Platform (pass an IP address).

Let's take a look at how easy it is to get started with Code Ready Containers Red Hat Process Automation Easy Install project.