
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

How to Install Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.6 in Minutes

 red hat process automation managerWhile you've seen the many developer tooling articles where I've helped you to get started on the OpenShift Container Platform, there is still a basic need to run our tooling locally on our own machine.

With that in mind, here's an update that installs the latest version of open source process automation tooling for your development projects in just minutes on your very own machine.

Not only that, it's done in just three easy steps and done in a few minutes!

See if I'm telling the truth, let's install it now.

Monday, January 27, 2020

How to Install Red Hat Decision Manager 7.6 in Minutes

red hat decision managerWhile you've seen the many developer tooling articles where I've helped you to get started on the OpenShift Container Platform, there is still a basic need to run our tooling locally on our own machine.

With that in mind, here's an update that installs the latest version of open source decision management tooling for your development projects in just minutes on your very own machine.

Not only that, it's done in just three easy steps and done in a few minutes!

See if I'm telling the truth, let's install it now.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Integrating with SaaS Applications - An Introduction

integrating with SaaS applications
Part 1 - An introduction
Since introducing the first architecture focused on omnichannel integration, we've been looking at integrating with Software as a Service (SaaS) applications.

It's an interesting challenge in that we've been given the mission of creating of architectural content based on common customer adoption patterns. That's very different from most of the traditional marketing activities usually associated with generating content for the sole purpose of positioning products for solutions. When you're basing the content on actual execution in solution delivery, you're cutting out the chuff. 

What's that mean?

It means that it's going to provide you with a way to implement a solution using open source technologies by focusing on the integrations, structures and interactions that actually have been proven to work. What's not included are any vendor promises that you'll find in normal marketing content. Those promised that when it gets down to implementation crunch time, might not fully deliver on their promises.

Enter the term Portfolio Architecture. 

Let's look at these architectures, how they're created and what value they provide for your solution designs.

How to Install Red Hat Decision Manager 7.5 in Minutes

red hat decision managerWhile you've seen the many developer tooling articles where I've helped you to get started on the OpenShift Container Platform, there is still a basic need to run our tooling locally on our own machine.

With that in mind, here's an update that installs the latest version of open source decision management tooling for your development projects in just minutes on your very own machine.

Not only that, it's done in just three easy steps and done in a few minutes!

See if I'm telling the truth, let's install it now.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Day in the Life with Decisions, Optimization, and Process Automation

workshopoOn Friday, 4 February 2020 we'll be in Dublin, Ireland to share a day long workshop with expert and evangelist Duncan Doyle.

You'll experience all the developer tooling you need to get hands on with business decisions, AI driven optimization, and process automaton.

Would you like to join us?

Monday, January 13, 2020

How to Install Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.5 in Minutes

 red hat process automation managerWhile you've seen the many developer tooling articles where I've helped you to get started on the OpenShift Container Platform, there is still a basic need to run our tooling locally on our own machine.

With that in mind, here's an update that installs the latest process automation tooling for your development projects in just minutes on your very own machine.

Not only that, it's done in just three easy steps and done in a few minutes!

See if I'm telling the truth, let's install it now.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

CodeReady Containers - Process Automation developer tools update

code ready containers
For some time now we've been working on updating your experience using CodeReady Containers, a container platform installation for your local machine, by providing interesting developer tooling and project examples.

There is no better way to learn about container technologies, container platforms, and container-based application development than getting hands-on with great open technologies.

This example is the latest version of the Red Hat Process Automation Manager, version 7.5, installed on OpenShift Container Platform (either your own installation or using our CodeReady Containers installation).

Get started today with processes, user tasks, forms, rules, and business logic in just a few simple steps, as follows.

Monday, January 6, 2020

CodeReady Containers - Decision Management developer tools update

code ready containers
For some time now we've been working on updating your experience using CodeReady Containers, a container platform installation for your local machine, by providing interesting developer tooling and project examples.

There is no better way to learn about container technologies, container platforms, and container-based application development than getting hands-on with great open technologies.

The first example here is the latest version of the Red Hat Decision Manager, version 7.5, installed on OpenShift Container Platform (either your own installation or using our CodeReady Containers installation).

Get started today with rules and business logic in just a few simple steps, as follows.