
Monday, August 31, 2020

How to Install Red Hat Decision Manager 7.8

red hat decision manager
Time for another update on installing the Red Hat Decision Manager with my easy install project. 

Installing the latest decision tooling for your development projects in just minutes on your very own machine has never been easier.

It's done in just three easy steps, so let's take a closer look and see if I'm pulling your leg or telling the truth about how easy this installation can be.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Shift Remote 2020 - DevOps Heroes on Dec 8

Shift Remote
I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was invited to speak for the newly virtualized Shift Developer conference called Shift Remote.

At the time it was not yet fully planned out and the exact date and times were yet to be finalized.

Well, now we have a set schedule and I'll be coming at you online with a DevOps focused session on helping you become a DevOps hero by adding some new tools to your toolbox.

Let's take a look at what this online event looks like shall we?

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

How to Install Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.8

red hat process automation managerTime for another update on installing the Red Hat Process Automation Manager with my easy install project. 

Installing the latest process automation tooling for your development projects in just minutes on your very own machine has never been easier.

It's done in just three easy steps, so let's take a closer look and see if I'm pulling your leg or telling the truth about how easy this installation can be.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Voxxed Days Milan 2020 - cancelled, onwards to 2021

Back in March I wrote an article about being accepted to speak at Voxxed Days Milano 2020, which should have been in May 2020. 

Then it got rescheduled to September 2002. Not really a surprise seeing as the world was pretty much on fire at the time with virus concerns and spreading across most countries in Europe.

Now we are approaching the September event and many conferences have chosen to either go online and provide a virtual event or to cancel entirely.