
Friday, July 8, 2022

Saying goodbye to Red Hat

My tenure: 2009-2022
The time has come... the end of my tenure at Red Hat after +13 years.  

How about a short summary of some of the highlights while at Red Hat before I move on to a new adventure? 

I'll try to capture the big milestones, but there are just so many that I'm sure to miss a few. 

It's a moment of reflection on more than a decade spent in the world of enterprise open source technologies and riding a wave that was Red Hat in the prime of its evolution in the industry.

I have been involved in open source since my introduction late in life to programming, operating systems, and Linux in 1996. Before joining Red Hat I was involved in the community around a business process management project called jBPM. We were using this heavily in the financial institution I was working at and I became active as you do when you submerge yourself into an open source technology.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

OpenShift Commons Dublin - 3 Pitfalls Everyone Should Avoid with Cloud Data (video)

As previously mentioned, on 23 June 2022 I spoke at the OpenShift Commons event in Dublin. 

It was open to all community participants: users, operators, enterprises, non-profits, educational institutions, partners, and service providers as well as other open source technology initiatives utilized under the hood or to extend the OpenShift platform.

I shared some insights into cloud, public cloud, and the way cloud data is having a huge impact on our organizations. I pointed out three aspects to show how sometimes we are missing a very crucial aspect of our usage (and the cost) of data in the cloud. It's not just about storage, but observability and some of the choices we make when collecting metrics on our cloud applications.

Below you'll find the session recording along with the abstract and slides I used in Dublin.