
Tuesday, September 20, 2022

O11y Guide - Cloud Native Observability Needs Phases

This is the third article in the series covering my journey into the world of cloud native observability. If you missed any of the previous articles, head on back to the introduction for a quick update.

After laying out the groundwork for this series in the initial article, I spent some time in the second article sharing who the observability players are. I also discussed the teams that these players are on in this world of cloud native o11y. 

In this third article it's time to dive a bit into the impression I'm getting from the message being pushed for cloud native o11y solutions. 

Being a developer from my early days in IT, it's very interesting to explore the complexities of cloud native o11y. Monitoring applications goes way beyond just writing and deploying code, especially in the cloud native world.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

O11y Guide - Who are the Cloud Native Observability Players?

This is a continuation of the series taking you on my journey into the world of cloud native observability. It's a world that is altering the way developers work in their daily jobs, it's creating new teams, and there are roles appearing to attempt to keep control of the cloud native complexity that these large scale architectures deliver.

The first article in this series covered how developers have to deal with more than just code in a cloud native world. It shared a look at cloud native observability (o11y) and touched on what the three pillars are versus the three phases of observability.

This second article takes you out onto the playing field where you need to understand who the players are and what teams they form. It's no longer a world full of developers and operations teams as the cloud native environments have pushed right on through those traditional walls.

Let's dive right in, shall we?

Thursday, September 8, 2022

O11y Guide - Your First Steps in Cloud Native Observability

Let's start a series that takes you along on my journey into the world of cloud native observability. This is a journey I've started on since joining Chronosphere, a cloud native observability platform, a little less than a month ago.

While I've been evolving the stories I'm telling for some time from developer audiences towards architecture audiences, one thing that caught my eye has been the complexities of cloud native environments. The complexer the solution architecture, the more need for simple ways of sharing how successful organizations work at cloud native scale. 

Along with the journey into cloud native architectures, there has emerged a very distinct issue that is playing out across cloud native environments. That issue I've outlined in a series about cloud data and it's about more than just your data storage from the early architecture days.

This look at cloud data uncovered a very interesting and somewhat hidden world of cloud native observability where the data generated keeping tabs on your cloud native architecture often can exceed your spend on running production. 

This series kicks off with the basics, from developer to cloud native observability, the players involved, and outline the technical versus business story being sold to you around the tooling in cloud native observability. 

Let's dive right in, shall we?

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

JFall 2022 - Sharing Cloud Data and DevOps Insights

This year in the Netherlands the local Java User Group is hosting their Fall get together, aptly named JFall 2022

It's been a few years since I've dropped in on this event, having moved on a bit from the topics they were discussing in my daily work. This year it's different, I have some interesting ideas I want to try out and this is a perfect venue for it. It's a one day event on November 3, 2022.

Below the three talks I've submitted to their CFP.