Eric D. Schabell: Red Hat Cloud Tour 2012 in Amsterdam - an amazing day in the Cloud

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Red Hat Cloud Tour 2012 in Amsterdam - an amazing day in the Cloud

Yesterday I was lucky enough to speak at the Red Hat Cloud Tour's latest stop here in Amsterdam, Netherlands. It was an amazing day with around 350 attendees and the location was fantastic, Pakhuis de Zwijger.

The image here of the location will lead you to the collection of photos I took to give an impression of the day as I experienced it.

It started with the keynotes and after lunch we hit the breakout sessions. I talked about JBoss in your Cloud Infrastructure and finished up the day with an OpenShift Primer where I show cased a mobile registration demo application (online for awhile if you want to look: based on the JBoss AeroGear project.

Here are the slides for both presentations and thanks to the attendees who were engaged, inquisitive and actively participating in the sessions. It was a great time and I got invited to speak at two upcoming events in the Netherlands in the near future!

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