
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

3 More Pitfalls Everyone Should Avoid with Hybrid Multicloud (webinar)

hybrid multicloud
Back in 2018 we put together the first version of the talk about 3 pitfalls everyone should avoid with hybrid multicloud.

This talk was recorded and such a popular talk that it was top rated at Red Hat Summit 2018. It also garnered attention with a few of our customers which resulted in a tour through the middle of the US to present on-site.

After all this, we published a four part series of articles that outlines our thoughts. Later that year we were approached to help with a book you can now download for free, Multicloud Portability for Dummies, which is strongly based on the articles.

So let's look at the upcoming sequel.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Beginners Guide - Building an Online Retail Web Shop Workshop

beginners guide red hat decision manager
With the release of Red Hat Decision Manager 7.3 I've started updating my free online workshop, a beginners guide to building an online retail web shop.

This update is the first two labs in this workshop, with more to follow, that installs Red Hat Decision Manager on your laptop. After the installation you'll start by creating a new project for the online retail web shop you'll be building in subsequent labs.

Below you'll find the embedded lab slides with all the instructions and links to needed software components for Unix and Windows based machines.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Red Hat Tech Day 2019 - Open is Key to Your Career (slides)

red hat tech dayYesterday we kicked off the Red Hat Tech Day 2019 in Netherlands with a motivational keynote where I was asked to share stories on how the philosophy of 'open' is key to your career.

Over 200 attendees showed up and were both interactive and engaged about how they could look at themselves, share more of what they know, and as a side effect positively affect their careers.

With well over 50% of the audience indicating 15 years or more in the IT workforce, the topic was very relevant. Too many of us are engaged in work tasks and forget to share the vast wealth of knowledge we've acquired over these years.

Below the slides used in this keynote followed by the abstract originally posted on the event agenda.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

DevConf.US 2019 - Open Source Career with Automation Integration Acceptances

Previously I talked about submitting to in Boston.

After submitting I was asked to help chair the Application Development and Containers track, so told the organizers we would not be selecting any of my talks for our track.

I kind of assumed I would just be attending as a track chair to assist the speakers in presenting smoothly through the entire conference. Then last week the acceptance letters arrived and all three talks have been chosen.

Gonna be busy time but fun week in Boston, MA from Aug 17 - 19, so hope to see you at one of these talks or just for a chat in the halls.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Red Hat Tech Day 2019 - Open is Key to Your Career

red hat tech day
Next week, 18 June 2019 it's going to be a lot of hands-on open source technology at the Red Hat Tech Day 2019.

There's an all day agenda with several tracks that cover topics across cloud infrastructure, application development, and a hands-on lab series.

Before you join us, be sure to register and check out the agenda to plan out your day.

Below you'll find the complete agenda, including the outline of my keynote opening the event.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Beginners Guide: Multicloud Portability for Dummies

multicloud portability for dummies
This last year was a good year for talking about cloud, hybrid cloud, and hybrid multicloud.

We saw many organziations struggling with some of the same issues time and again. Their frustrations being voiced were enough that together with Roel Hodzelmans we pulled together an introductory session for Red Hat Summit 2018 entitled, 3 Pitfalls Everyone Should Avoid with Hybrid Multicloud.

Based on reactions to this talk we decided to expand the reach with a series of four articles covering all aspects of the material.  The series was picked up through on, generating so much interest that there's clearly a need for these multicloud insights.

Together with the 'for dummies' series, we came up with an outline based on our content, feedback from attendees, and the published articles. This become a free e-book you can download, so let's look at the outline.