Eric D. Schabell: How to setup JBoss BPM Suite 6.1 API (javadoc) documentation

Monday, September 21, 2015

How to setup JBoss BPM Suite 6.1 API (javadoc) documentation

Previously we presented an overview of the online JBoss BPM Suite 6.1 API documentation, but this is not the solution for the developer on the go at locations where connectivity might be an issue, right?

Well have no fear, you can now follow along and learn how to grab the correct version of the API documentation for JBoss BPM Suite 6.1.

As you know, the products at Red Hat are collected, tested and hardened from upstream community projects. JBoss BPM Suite is no different, being based on numerous sub-projects found in the Drools and jBPM communities.

At a point in time they produce a tagged version that is then channeled into our product quality assurance teams and productization teams. For JBoss BPM Suite this tag was called 6.2.x in the community.

The sub-project that provides you with all of the online documentation is found called droolsjbpm-knowledge which you can use GIT to clone locally as follows:

$ git clone

Figure 1: need the
Final tag.
This gives you the main branch of current development, but we are looking for the product 6.1 related tag, so let's take a look:

$ git tag -l | grep 6.2

The results are a list of tags as shown in Figure 1, of which we are only interested in 6.2.0.Final, so we want to switch to that one as follows:

$ git checkout tags/6.2.0.Final

Now we move down into the KIE-API directory and build the API documentation as follows:

Looking to Automate your business?
$ cd kie-api

$ mvn javadoc:javadoc

The results will be found in the generated target directory and you can open the index.html file found as follows in your browser once the build is completed:


You now have your very own copy of the JBoss BPM Suite 6.1 API documentation so you can get developing on your next JBoss BPM Suite application!