Eric D. Schabell: February 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009

2009 JavaOne Conference Proposal Notification

The JavaOne 2009 conference put out a call for papers and I submitted this session abstract. Today the reject for this came, pretty much what could be expected as the chance for an accept was pretty small. I wanted to post this for posterity:

27 Feb 2009
Dear Eric D. ,

Sun Microsystems, Inc. and the 2009 JavaOne(sm) Conference Content Team are grateful for your proposal to present at the Conference. The overall number of submissions exceeded the conference session capacity by over 400%! The volume of high quality submissions made the selection process extremely difficult. As a result, we regret to inform you that we will be unable to accept your proposal entitled ' Java defeating the Financial Crisis - a tale from the front-line '.

With over 1300 proposals submitted, we regret that we cannot provide information about why a specific session was declined, However, in the spirit of helping people better understand how the selection process works, we have created the following blog, which includes comments by members of the content selection committee:

Again, thank you very much for your submission. We appreciate your continued support of the JavaOne conference.

JavaOne Conference Content Team

Saturday, February 21, 2009

CAiSE09 PRET chapter submitted

Finished the final chapter and submitted today.

For background see my previous postings on the process.

You can find the latest copy of the paper here.

Friday, February 20, 2009

2009 Bpm and Workflow Handbook chapter submitted

Some time ago I submitted an abstract that was accepted for the 2009 BPM and Workflow Handbook.

Submitted my chapter today. You can find a copy over here.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Final results on CAiSE09 chapter submission

This weekend I go the final results back on my chapter submission. It will be part of the book brought out in the PRET conference!

For background see my previous postings on the process.

"We are happy to inform you that your chapter has been selected for inclusion in the PRET proceedings.

As mentioned in the invitation for the submission of your full chapter, we were planning on accepting 10 to 12 chapters from the 15 that were invited. Your chapter is among the ones we selected for inclusion in the proceedings."

There is some rework to be done for the camera-ready version, so one more for the revision TODO list that has a deadline for the end of February.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

2009 BPM and Workflow Handbook abstract accepted

Some time ago I submitted an abstract for the 2009 BPM and Workflow Handbook. Today I got the acceptance email:

"This is a quick note to let you know that the Review Committee has accepted the abstract for your paper on “Full Scale Straight Through Processing with BPM” submitted for inclusion in the 2009 BPM and Workflow Handbook.

Congratulations! We received an overwhelming number of highly interesting submissions of which only 28 were selected.

Don't forget, the deadline for your completed paper is February 27, 2009 (please treat this as a hard deadline) but would certainly appreciate your paper sooner if possible.

The book will be launched at the BPM in Government Conference held June 16-18, 2009, Washington, D.C., USA, in conjunction with the WfMC meeting. We invite you to attend to share in the book signing events and to meet your colleagues."

No rest for the wicked as my mother used to say!

PS. The 2008 BPM Handbook can be found here.