Eric D. Schabell: May 2013

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Singapore JBUG gets a JBoss BRMS Primer

I was invited to speak last night at the JBoss User Group (JBUG) in Singapore. It was to be a session that was both informative and interactive with hands on demo projects based on my Customer Evaluation and Rewards demo projects.

The crowd was a mix of students, enterprise developers, and even a few customers. I covered the basics around JBoss BRMS, explaining both Rules and BPM aspects. After this we did a hands on installation, both on Unix and Windows based machines, of the Customer Evaluation demo project. The goal being that attendees would head home with two demos on their personal

After this the attendees went to work installing the Rewards demo project and were challenged by being able to win one of three free copies of my e-book (OpenShift Primer) by being the fastest to get the demo running. They were gone in less than 5 minutes, so consider the mission accomplished.

Of course there were give aways of t-shirts, rubber balls, and stickers for the laptops. The organization put on a nice Asian buffet and the beer was free flowing during the coding. ;-)

I enjoyed meeting all the new faces and interacting with a few of our JBoss BRMS customers that showed up to chat with me during and after my session.

Thanks guys for the great evening!

JBoss BRMS Customer Evaluation Demo Updated with EAP 6.1.0

This week the final GA of JBoss EAP 6.1.0 was released. Previously I had updated the Customer Evaluation Demo to run on JBoss EAP 6.1.0.Beta, so this is a small step forward.

Getting the project
The project is available on Github at You can retrieve this with a simple 'git clone git://' and 'git checkout v1.9', after which you can follow the step-by-step guide found in the Quick Start Guide. This is provided in both ODT and PDF formats. It is all kicked off by the script you will find in the project, which is quite verbose and points you to the various steps you might need to take should you have chosen to not to read the provided Quick Start Guide.


JBoss BRMS Rewards Demo Updated with EAP 6.1.0

This week the final GA of JBoss EAP 6.1.0 was released. Previously I had updated the Rewards Demo to run on JBoss EAP 6.1.0.Beta, so this is a small step forward.

Getting the project
The project is available on Github at You can retrieve this with a simple 'git clone git://' and 'git checkout v1.8', after which you can follow the step-by-step guide found in the Quick Start Guide. This is provided in both ODT and PDF formats. It is all kicked off by the script you will find in the project, which is quite verbose and points you to the various steps you might need to take should you have chosen to not to read the provided Quick Start Guide.


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Red Hat JBoss Middleware is faster than an 855 foot Sky Jump

I would like to introduce you to our new Red Hat JBoss Rock Star.

His name is Radical Rich and he will stop short of nothing to bring the message home to you how awesome and fast the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) is.

Without further delay, we bring you Radical Rich!

Friday, May 17, 2013

JUDCon United States - talk accepted on OpenShift Primer

This year in Boston, June 9-11 we will be gathering for the JBoss User and Developer Conference (JUDCon) where I will be giving you an OpenShift Primer on Monday, 10 June at 1300 hrs in Track 2.

This will be a unique chance for you to get to meet all the world class developers, project members, and rock stars in a single venue. There will be beers, food, a meet & greet reception, live podcast recording, and plenty of laughs. You really do not want to miss this event.

I will also be giving away a few copies of codes to download the book, so if you are around, be sure to attend this session.

OpenShift Primer - get your JBoss into the Cloud

Ever wondered about the new Cloud offerings out there? What is a PaaS? What is this thing called OpenShift?

Whether your business is running on applications based on Java EE6, PHP or Ruby, the cloud is turning out to be the perfect environment for developing your business. There are plenty of clouds and platform-as-a-services to choose from, but where to start? Join us for an action-packed hour of power where we'll show you how to deploy your existing application written in the language of your choice - Java, Ruby, PHP, Perl or Python, with the JBoss project of your choice - jBPM, Ceylon, Switchyard, Drools Planner, Aerogear, GateIn, Drools (Rules / BPM) and more deployed into the OpenShift PaaS in just minutes. All this and without having to rewrite your app to get it to work the way the cloud provider thinks your app should work.

If you want to learn about OpenShift PaaS and see how investing 45 mins of your time can change everything you thought you knew about putting your business applications in the cloud, this session is for you!

(Speaker is author of e-book: OpenShift Primer, will be giving away copies in this session)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

JUDCon United States - talk accepted on becoming a JBoss Rock Star

This year in Boston, June 9-11 we will be gathering for the JBoss User and Developer Conference (JUDCon) where I will be talking about how you too can be a JBoss Rock Star on Tuesday, 11 June at 1230 hrs in Track 2.

This will be a unique chance for you to get to meet all the world class developers, project members, and rock stars in a single venue. There will be beers, food, a meet & greet reception, live podcast recording, and plenty of laughs. You really do not want to miss this event.

Do you want to be a JBoss Rock Star?

So you have seen the perfect JBoss project for your current development problem. Now what?

You have seen amazing demos done by the core developers of these projects, but you want to create your own awesome demo to convince your friends, team and boss that this is exactly what they need. We can help you to become a local JBoss Rock Star with this session. We will provide you with the tools to setup repeatable demos and provide you with guidelines to allow you to consistently amaze and dazzle. This session will walk through three example integration demonstrations that span multiple JBoss components and are setup from scratch in minutes.

You won't want to miss this session as it is the first step towards a future as a JBoss Rock Star!

JUDCon United States - talk accepted for JBoss jBPM Migration project

This year in Boston, June 9-11 we will be gathering for the JBoss User and Developer Conference (JUDCon) where I will be talking about the jBPM Migration project on Tuesday, 11 June at 1330 hrs in Track 3.

This will be a unique chance for you to get to meet all the world class developers, project members, and rock stars in a single venue. There will be beers, food, a meet & greet reception, live podcast recording, and plenty of laughs. You really do not want to miss this event.

jBPM Migration - generating your process future

Since its birth in late 2010, the jBPM migration tool project has been marching forward to support the transformation of your jBPM3 processes to the latest versions of jBPM. It has been a journey that covers the support of a vast array of use cases, example enterprise process projects, supports various process designers and has finally been included into the Drools / jBPM project team as an official project.

This session will outline the status of the jBPM migration tooling project. We will take a look at the background of jBPM 3 process projects and detail what is supported right now to get your processes deployed onto the current version of jBPM. We will demo the existing tooling on several real life enterprise jBPM projects and outline our strategy for the various conceptual problems we encountered in moving your process constructs to BPMN2. These examples will provide you with real life scenarios to take home as an example for your own BPM projects.

We will finish up with a demonstration of the jBPM migration tooling running in the Cloud. Each participant will depart this session fully enabled with their very own Cloud deployed jBPM Migration tooling.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

JBoss BRMS (BPM) - Car Insurance Demo

Car Insurance Process
This is a brand new demo project that was put together by our very own Red Hat UKI SA team. They have plans to put together six product demos in this project hosted on github, starting with a pretty nice car insurance example built on JBoss EAP 6 and JBoss BRMS 5.3.1.

I extracted this part of their demo, packaged it up in the same demo framework you are used to getting from us so that you can become the JBoss Rock Star that is hiding inside of you. You can find the Car Insurance Demo here:

Here is the original video tour, in seven minutes, so you can get started as quickly as possible. This video was recorded by Derek Howlett, be sure to pass you thanks to the team through him.

There were diverse people from the UKI team that put this demo together, so kudos to all of them and forgive me for not mentioning you all by name.

You will enjoy this one. :)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Writing daily for the Red Sox Life fan blog

It has been a bit of a hobby for me to try and find more ways to write.

I have been publishing lots of technical content over the years, on blogs, in papers, and even a book or two along the way. This is stuff I know, but to challenge myself I have tried to go outside of the normal content and write something non-technical.

Research on the subject led me to the advice everyone seems to be giving on writing, "If you want to be a writer, you have to write every single day..."

With my schedule and lifestyle I am not always able to do that on non-technical topics, so I tried to put a deadline out to produce a short story every month or two this year. That has even proven to be too much of a challenge with my time constraints.

Then along came this invitation on Red Sox Life, a Boston Red Sox baseball fan blog that I have been a follower of for several years. I could not resist, this would be a perfect combination of baseball and writing with a daily deadline. I submitted an example, suggested a weekly segment piece and guess what? I was one of eight new writers to get selected.

You can follow my journey as I try to write a bit different angles to the Boston Red Sox daily scene. I want to be me, make it fun, and above all challenge myself to write daily on one of my favorite subjects.

So with a motto of 'writers write', I hope to see you at the ballpark every day!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

JBoss BRMS Cool Store Demo Part III - BPM and decision tables (video)

Following up on the initial announcement of the JBoss Business Rules Management System (BRMS) Cool Store Demo I wanted to provide a three part series of videos that outline how to work with the project and its basic features.

These videos should give you a quick overview of the online shopping cart web application and its JBoss BRMS feature usage. You can quickly spin up a demo or use the project as a start to your own Proof-of-Concept.

Part III - BPM / Decision Tables
In this final video we take a look at the BPM process features, designer and examine how JBoss BRMS integrates decision tables into our online shopping cart application.

JBoss BRMS Cool Store Demo Part II - Complex events and business rules (video)

Following up on the initial announcement of the JBoss Business Rules Management System (BRMS) Cool Store Demo I wanted to provide a three part series of videos that outline how to work with the project and its basic features.

These videos should give you a quick overview of the online shopping cart web application and its JBoss BRMS feature usage. You can quickly spin up a demo or use the project as a start to your own Proof-of-Concept.

Part II - Complex Events / Business Rules
In this video we take a closer look at the event stream as managed in the online shopping cart and exposes you to the business rules and CEP features of JBoss BRMS.

JBoss BRMS Cool Store demo part I - installation (video)

Following up on the initial announcement of the JBoss Business Rules Management System (BRMS) Cool Store Demo I wanted to provide a three part series of videos that outline how to work with the project and its basic features.

These videos should give you a quick overview of the online shopping cart web application and its JBoss BRMS feature usage. You can quickly spin up a demo or use the project as a start to your own Proof-of-Concept.

Part I - Installation
In this video we take you on a tour to install the project in minutes on your local machine, which gives you a quickstart into the world of JBoss BRMS, BPM, Rules and CEP.