Today I close out almost 6 years of work, in one form or another, at the Radboud University Nijmegen. The picture shows my desk, something sad about an empty workplace don't you think?
It has been a wonderful job that had to end one day, with plenty of diversity. I have worked chiefly as a Scientific Programmer for both research projects and for the IRIS department. I spent time as system administrator, application administrator, deployed both a groupware calendaring system and a publication management system, and contributed to science with my publications. I also was able to teach courses like Requirements Engineering and ICT Infrastructure on campus as well a several off campus courses (evening masters). I was also able to continue teaching my private Linux courses as well as freelancing for IBM Learning Services here in the Netherlands on occasion.
I have nothing to complain about, I made the most of my time there and it is time to move on. Tomorrow I start my new adventure and enter a new family at the SNS Bank.