Eric D. Schabell: April 2020

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Red Hat Summit 2020 - Ask the experts: Hybrid multicloud pitfalls (slides)

Red Hat Summit
Yesterday, the Red Hat Summit 2020 virtual event kicked off. It's amazing to imagine that so many people decided to sign up and attend this free event over the next two days.

I was asked to support an Ask the Expert session together with my good friend Roel Hodzelmans, one centered around our hybrid multicloud pitfalls theories.

The session we are giving on this topic has been scheduled for the EMEA (European) portion of the event on Wednesday.

This article is scheduled to go live right before the start of the session so that you can have access to the slides (see below) we used in Ask the Experts: Hybrid Multicloud Pitfalls.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Red Hat Summit 2020 - Concept to Reality: An Advanced Agile Integration Blueprint (slides)

Red Hat SummitToday kicked off the Red Hat Summit 2020 virtual event. It's amazing to imagine that so many people decided to sign up and attend this free event over the next two days.

For me it's a chance to share some ideas that my friend Christina Lin and I have been working on for some time, advanced integration blueprints.

The session we are giving on this topic has been scheduled to kick off in the North America and LATAM portion of the event on Tuesday. It will also be run during the European timezone on Wednesday and again on that same day for the Asian Pacific attendees.

This article is scheduled to go live right before the start of the first session so that you can have access to the slides (see below) we used in Concept to Reality: An Advanced Agile Integration Blueprint.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Demystifying the Event Driven Architecture - An introduction (part 1)

demystifying event driven architecture
(Photo royalty free:
High throughput, resiliency, scalability and speed—are you searching for a way to leverage microservice integration to handle all the event-driven communications in your growing architecture landscape?

Search no further.

This series of articles guides you through the world of integration using microservice architecture and specifically explores the world of Event Driven Architecture (EDA). It’s a central story to organizations moving forward into the digital world and is worth exploring as part of your strategy for continued success.

We’ll discuss if EDA might be the best choice for your microservice integration solutions, and more importantly, when you might not need EDA at all. There will be a tour of use cases that lend themselves to EDA solutions and present a few real world examples for your consideration. Lastly, we’ll look at the open technologies that can help you to implement an EDA architecture.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Red Hat Summit 2020 - Ask the Experts: Hybrid Multicloud Pitfalls

Red Hat Summit
This year the annual event Red Hat Summit is going to be virtual and free for all to attend this year from 28-29 April 2020.

The agenda is online and you can search for your favorite topic, session type, or speakers too.

An interesting aspect of this huge event is not only that it's online, but that it's going to span all three regions around the globe. You can watch the sessions, participate in hands-on labs, enjoy keynontes, and event ask experts live questions on specific topics up for discussion. You get to do all that in the following regions:

  • NA + LATAM
  • EMEA
  • APAC
What this means for you is that if you are adventurous, you can catch the sessions you want to see in your timezone and solve conflicts by swinging back around in one of the other timezones. The best of both worlds awaits you at this showcase of open source technologies.

What can I offer you at Red Hat Summit 2020?

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Code Ready Containers - Installing decision management from developer container catalog

Code Ready Containers
For some time now we've been working on updating your experience using Code Ready Containers, a container platform installation for your local machine, by providing interesting developer tooling and project examples.

There is no better way to learn about container technologies, container platforms, and container-based application development than getting hands-on with great open technologies.

Previously, I've shared how to install a custom latest greatest version of the Red Hat decision management tooling. The question that remains is, what do you need to do to make use of the container images pre-installed with the latest version of Code Ready Containers 1.7.0?

This tutorial walks through a few simple steps to getting both the latest Code Ready Containers started on your laptop, as well as installing the provided decision management tooling catalog entry.

Exploring your first decision project on an OpenShift Container Platform has never been easier.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

All Things Open 2020 - Sharing microservice mayhem, careers, and storytelling

It's that time of year again, when the dynamic and exciting All Things Open call for papers hits your inbox.

Last year there was almost 5000 attendees, so it's not just another event, but one dedicated to sharing all things in the open source world.

In 2018 I presented a main stage lighting talk on how to jump start your career in open source. That became the foundation of a talk I've been using to open a few events as a keynote.

This year I wanted to take another run at joining you in Raleigh, NC from 18-20 October, so I've sent in a few of my top ideas to share with their potential audience.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Integrating with SaaS Applications - Example Processes and 3rd-party Platform Integration

integrating with SaaS applications
Part 6 - Example processes and SaaS integration
The previous article in this series looked at 3rd-party platforms as SaaS application example.

The foundation for this logical diagram was researching a use case where customers were successful with a portfolio solution.

It's a starting point for the generic architecture that rises from several customer solution that were researched.

Having completed the outline of the architectural details and the resulting logical diagram elements, it's now time to take a look as specific examples.

In this article we'll continue building the previous examples by sharing how customers are integrating processes and 3rd-party platforms as SaaS applications in their architectures.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Code Ready Containers - Installing process automation from developer container catalog

Code Ready Containers
For some time now we've been working on updating your experience using Code Ready Containers, a container platform installation for your local machine, by providing interesting developer tooling and project examples.

There is no better way to learn about container technologies, container platforms, and container-based application development than getting hands-on with great open technologies.

Previously, I've shared how to install a custom latest greatest version of the Red Hat process automation tooling. The question that remains is, what do you need to do to make use of the container images pre-installed with the latest version of Code Ready Containers 1.7.0?

This tutorial walks through a few simple steps to getting both the latest Code Ready Containers started on your laptop, as well as installing the provided process automation tooling catalog entry.

Exploring your first process automation project on an OpenShift Container Platform has never been easier.