Take a closer look... can you see it??? Does something in this picture strike at the very heart of your engineering soul?
What is even better, is that this was in a building where European Patents are processed. Do you think someone got a patent already on this?
I walked past this last week and just stopped cold. I stared. I blinked. I was dumbfounded on several fronts and the thoughts started to roll by (in no particular order):
- how does one get the wiring past the water pipes as the wiring conventionally runs from ceiling down the walls to the sockets?
- who paid for this work?
- who was able to sell this work, a good sales person is my guess?
- what part(s) of the building electricity will go out when I turn on the faucet and watch water run into/over the socket?
- Will only some, sections, all of the buildings fuses blow? I wonder if the same guy that put this in was responsible for the rest of the building...
- Was this done on a bet?
- Are there really people in the electric / plumbing business that can deliver this kind of specialized work on a regular basis?
- Is this a joke (I started looking for the hidden camera)?
- ... (my list is endless).