Eric D. Schabell: September 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fedora 15 - Chrome 14.x won't start for you?

I was having this problem after and update and first ran it from the console to find out what the problem was:

# running google-chrome from the command line.
$ google-chrome

/opt/google/chrome/chrome: error while loading shared libraries: cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied

# seems this is due to some permission errors, so you can run chrome 
# without the sandbox...
$ google-chrome --no-sandbox

# ...or you can fix the permission problem by turning it off.
$ sudo setenforce 0

Hope this helps you get back into your Chrome experience! ;-)

Friday, September 23, 2011

London JBUG - JBoss jBPM, the future is now for all your Business Processes

I have been invited to talk at the London JBoss User Group (JBUG) for their JBoss jBPM night. Below you will find the location, times and agenda.

Atos Origin Offices, LTQ Meeting Room, 4 Triton Square (please use the main reception entrance), London NW1 3HG

17:00 - 17:30 - Coffee, Welcome and Networking
17:30 - 18:00 - Lightning talks
18:00 - 18:15 - Break, networking
18:15 - 19:15 - Eric Schabell: 'JBoss jBPM, the future is now for all your Business Processes'
19:15 - 20:00 - Beer, Pizza and Networking

JBoss jBPM, the future is now for all your Business Processes
JBoss jBPM, the future is now for all your Business Processes
A Business Process Management System (BPMS) offers you the capabilities to better manage and streamline your business processes.

JBoss jBPM continues its vision in this area by offering a lightweight process engine for executing business processes, combined with the necessary services and tooling to support business processes in their entire lifecycles. This allows not only developers but also business users to manage your business processes more efficiently.

A lot has happened in the BPM area over the last few years, with the introduction of the BPMN 2.0 standard, the increasing interest in more dynamic and adaptive processes, integration with business rules and event processing, case management, etc. In this session, we will show you how jBPM5 tackles these challenges, discuss migration to this new platform and give you an overview of its most important features.

If you are in the London area on Monday, 17 October, stop by for some jBPM fun! :-)

Update: slides posted here!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

International PHP Conference (IPC) 2011 - From Code to Cloud: PHP on Red Hat's OpenShift

I will be participating on our OpenShift tour in October from 9-12th, this time in Rheingoldhalle Mainz, Germany for the IPC 2011 conference where I will put my old love of PHP to the test in the cloud:

From Code to Cloud: PHP on Red Hat's OpenShift
In this hands-on talk, we'll show you just how easy it is to deploy, manage and auto-scale PHP applications in the cloud with no modifications to your code. No matter what framework you use, just bring your laptop—we'll bring the cloud (and a few sample applications based on Zend, Cake and Symphony to get you started with).

This session is on the 11th of October from 1130-1230 hrs, see you all there to get your cloud on! :-) UPDATE: session slides available!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Cloud Developer Convention 2011 (workshop) - Let's get started with OpenShift!

Not only will there be a full session at Cloud Developer Convention 2011 on OpenShift, but they have asked me to provide a live-hacking workshop, so get ready for some good cloud development experience:

Let's get started with OpenShift!
Bring your laptop to this workshop and we will have you running your first OpenShift application in the Cloud in no time! We will walk you through an installation, setup and deployment of your first cloud application using Red Hat OpenShift Express. This workshop will allow you to experience the thrill of could development and have all your questions answered while getting some hands on experience with OpenShift.

Bring your own laptop and we will get you started on the road to cloud development! ;-)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

JUDCon 2011 in London (Lightning Talk) - Let's get started with OpenShift

I will also be giving a Lightning Talk at JUDCon 2011 in London on OpenShift, bring your laptop and check out the fun and ease of our PaaS:

Let's get started with OpenShift! 
Bring your laptop, we will provide an internet connection and have you running your first OpenShift Express application in the Cloud in no time! The speaker will walk you through an installation, setup and deployment of your first cloud application using Red Hat OpenShift Express. This session will include an update on the current status and roadmap for OpenShift.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

JUDCon 2011 in London - Launching into the future with the jBPM MIgration Project

Today the acceptance mails for JUDCon 2011 in London arrived, this session is a go! Come join us for a good look at launching your processes into the future of jBPM5:

Launching into the future with the jBPM Migration Project 
This session will outline the status of our jBPM migration tooling project which has recently been added to the main Drools / jBPM project github repository. We will take a look at the background of jBPM 3 process projects and how we plan to help launch your process projects into the jBPM5 future.

We will start by providing you with a plan for positioning your existing Enterprise jBPM projects for the eventual move towards jBPM5. This will cover the architectural layers involved, a look at the tooling being created for this and steps you can take to ensure a smooth transition moving into your jBPM future.

Finally we will demo the existing tooling on an actual existing enterprise jBPM project. This will provide you with a real life scenario to take home as an example for your own BPM projects.

See you there on Oct 31 - Nov 1! ;-)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Open Source Conference 2011 - technical workshops and sessions on OpenShift, JBoss SOA and jBPM

We are going to roll out the technical workshops and sessions this year the the Open Source Conference 2011 in Amsterdam on the 9th of December. The following will be the JBoss middleware track, with first the workshop in the morning and the two sessions in the afternoon.

An OpenShift Primer for Developers to get your Code into the Cloud

Whether you’re a seasoned Java developer looking to start hacking on
EE6 or you just wrote your first line of Ruby yesterday, the cloud is
turning out to be the perfect environment for developing applications
in just about any modern language or framework. There are plenty of
clouds and platform-as-a-services to choose from, but where to start?
Join us for an action-packed hour of power where we’ll show you how to
deploy an application written in the language of your choice – Java,
Ruby, PHP, Perl or Python, with the framework of your choice – EE6,
CDI, Seam, Spring, Zend, Cake, Rails, Sinatra, PerlDancer or Django to
the OpenShift PaaS in just minutes. And without having to rewrite your
app to get it to work the way the cloud provider thinks your app
should work.

Check the command-line fu as we leverage Git to onboard apps onto
OpenShift Express in seconds, while also making use of the web browser
do the heavy-lifting of provisioning clusters, deploying, monitoring
and auto-scaling apps in OpenShift Flex.

If you want to learn how the OpenShift PaaS and investing an hour of
your time can change everything you thought you knew about developing
applications in the cloud, this session is for you!

Afternoon sessions:

JBoss Brings More Power to your Business Processes

A Business Process Management System (BPMS) offers you the
capabilities to better manage and streamline your business processes.
JBoss jBPM continues its vision in this area by offering a lightweight
process engine for executing business processes, combined with the
necessary services and tooling to support business processes in their
entire lifecycles. This allows not only developers but also business
users to manage your business processes more efficiently.

A lot has happened in the BPM area over the last few years, with the
introduction of the BPMN 2.0 standard, the increasing interest in more
dynamic and adaptive processes, integration with business rules and
event processing, case management, etc. In this session,  we will show
you how jBPM5 tackles these challenges, discuss migration to this new
platform and give you an overview of its most important features.

See you there? If not your can follow along on the twitter tag #osc2011. ;-)

Monday, September 5, 2011

JUDCon 2011 London - Submitted OpenShift and jBPM Migration sessions

The call for papers is still open, so what are you waiting for? ;-)

I have submitted two session for this:

I will be re-iterating the session I held early this year in Boston at the JBoss World conference, but adding in a demo of the most recent progress on the jBPM Migration tooling which might include some very interesting announcements!

The OpenShift session might even be better categorized as a workshop where if you bring a laptop, you can follow along and have a running JBoss cloudy deployment of your own application in minutes!

See you there! ;-)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Live PHP demo: The OpenShfit Babygame is available in the Cloud!

I wanted to run through how to push a simple PHP application that used a MySQL database into the new OpenShift Express environment. Follow along as we show you how to do it.

You can jump right to the OpenShift Babygame if you can't wait to see it live at:

 We will assume you have registered a user at

Get Babygame code
First step is to pull a copy of the BabyGame from github.

Next you will want to setup your client tools for OpenShift access as outlined in their Quick Start. I am running Fedora 15 so just had to add the yum repo and install rhc. This brings us to the point of actually getting into setup of our applications new home.

Create your domain
# We need to create the domain for Express to start setting up
# our URL with the client tooling using 
# rhc-create-domain -n domainname -l rhlogin
$ rhc-create-domain --help

Usage: /usr/bin/rhc-create-domain
Bind a registered rhcloud user to a domain in rhcloud.

  NOTE: to change ssh key, please alter your ~/.ssh/libra_id_rsa and
        ~/.ssh/ key, then re-run with --alter

  -n|--namespace   namespace   Namespace for your application(s) (alphanumeric - max 16 chars) (required)
  -l|--rhlogin     rhlogin     Red Hat login (RHN or OpenShift login with OpenShift Express access) (required)
  -p|--password    password    RHLogin password (optional, will prompt)
  -a|--alter                   Alter namespace (will change urls) and/or ssh key
  -d|--debug                   Print Debug info
  -h|--help                    Show Usage info

# So we setup one for the Babygame. Note that I already have setup my ssh keys for OpenShift,
# if you have not yet done that, then it will walk you through it.
$ rhc-create-domain -n ishereon -l [registered-user] -p [your-password]

OpenShift Express key found at /home/[homedir]/.ssh/libra_id_rsa.  Reusing...
Creation successful

You may now create an application.  Please make note of your local config file
in /home/[homedir]/.openshift/express.conf which has been created and populated for you.

Create your application
Next we want to create our application, which means we want to tell the OpenShift Express which stack we need. This is done with the rhc-create-app client tool.

# Let's take a look at the options available before we setup a php stack for
# our babygame app.
$ rhc-create-app --help
Contacting to obtain list of cartridges...
 (please excuse the delay)

Usage: /usr/bin/rhc-create-app
Create an OpenShift Express app.

  -a|--app   application     Application name  (alphanumeric - max 16 chars) (required)
  -t|--type  type            Type of app to create (perl-5.10, jbossas-7.0, wsgi-3.2, rack-1.1, php-5.3) (required)
  -l|--rhlogin  rhlogin      Red Hat login (RHN or OpenShift login with OpenShift Express access) (Default: xxxxxxxxx)
  -p|--password  password    RHLogin password  (optional, will prompt)
  -r|--repo  path            Git Repo path (defaults to ./$app_name)
  -n|--nogit                 Only create remote space, don't pull it locally
  -d|--debug                 Print Debug info
  -h|--help                  Show Usage info

# It seems we can choose between several but we want the php-5.3 
# stack (called a cartridge). I provide a user, password and location 
# for the git repo to be created called 'babygame-express', see the 
# documentation for the defaults. Let's watch the magic happen!
$ rhc-create-app -a babygame -t php-5.3 -l [registered-user] -p [password] -r /home/[homedir]/git-projects/babygame-express

Found a bug? Post to the forum and we'll get right on it.
    IRC: #openshift on freenode

Attempting to create remote application space: babygame
API version:    1.1.1
Broker version: 1.1.1

Successfully created application: babygame

Checking ~/.ssh/config
Found in ~/.ssh/config... No need to adjust
Now your new domain name is being propagated worldwide (this might take a minute)...
  retry # 1 - Waiting for DNS:
  retry # 2 - Waiting for DNS:
  retry # 3 - Waiting for DNS:
  retry # 4 - Waiting for DNS:
Pulling new repo down
Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Confirming application babygame is available
  Attempt # 1

Success!  Your application is now published here:

The remote repository is located here:


To make changes to your application, commit to /home/[homedir]/git-projects/babygame-express/.
Then run 'git push' to update your OpenShift Express space

If we take a look at my given path to the repo we find a git-projects/babygame-express git repository! Note that if you decide to alter your domain name you will have to adjust the git repository config file to reflect where the remote repository is, see above the line with 'ssh:.....'. Also the page is already live at, how about that!

It is just a splash screen to get you started, so now we move on to getting the babygame running.

First lets look at the provided README in our babygame-express project which gives some insight to the repository layout.

Repo layout
php/ - Externally exposed php code goes here
libs/ - Additional libraries
misc/ - For not-externally exposed php code
../data - For persistent data (full path in environment 
             var: OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR)
deplist.txt - list of pears to install
.openshift/action_hooks/build - Script that gets run 
               every push, just prior to starting your app

The babygame app also comes with a README file that states we need to just add the babygame.php,, introtext.php, and *.jpg files to a webserver, so we will place these in the git repository that was created into the php directory.

# placing our application into our express git repo.
$ cp babygame/babygame.php git-projects/babygame-express/php/
$ cp babygame/ git-projects/babygame-express/php/
$ cp babygame/introtext.php git-projects/babygame-express/php/
$ cp *.jpg git-projects/babygame-express/php/

# lets see what is going on in our project, for git commands please refer to git online help.
$ git st

# On branch master
# Untracked files:
#   (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed)
#	php/babyblue.jpg
#	php/babygame.php
#	php/babypink.jpg
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

# now we need to add, commit and push them to the master repo.
$ git add php/*.jpg php/*.php
$ git st

# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD ..." to unstage)
#	new file:   php/babyblue.jpg
#	new file:   php/babygame.php
#	new file:   php/babypink.jpg
#	new file:   php/introtext.php
#	new file:   php/

$ git commit -m "Added babygame and images."

[master 8b73d1a] Added babygame and images.
 3 files changed, 364 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 php/babyblue.jpg
 create mode 100644 php/babygame.php
 create mode 100644 php/babypink.jpg

$ git push origin
Counting objects: 8, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 10.48 KiB, done.
Total 6 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Stopping application...
remote: Waiting for stop to finish
remote: Done
remote: Running .openshift/action_hooks/build
remote: Starting application...
To ssh://
   ff8218d..8b73d1a  master -> master

Now we should be able to find our application online at

Some cleanup
# clean out the default files.
$ git rm php/index.php

rm 'php/index.php'

$ git rm php/health_check.php

rm 'php/health_check.php'

$ git st

# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD ..." to unstage)
#	deleted:    php/health_check.php
#	deleted:    php/index.php

$ git commit -m "Removed default files."

[master 820db4f] Removed default files.
 0 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 php/health_check.php
 delete mode 100644 php/index.php  (100%)

$ git push origin
Counting objects: 5, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (2/2), 384 bytes, done.
Total 2 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Stopping application...
remote: Waiting for stop to finish
remote: Done
remote: Running .openshift/action_hooks/build
remote: Starting application...
To ssh://
   8b73d1a..820db4f  master -> master
Babygame without a database

Setup mySQL database on OpenShift
So for now we have our project on line, but the MySQL database needs to be setup. The babygame without a database is just a bunch of garbled layout and empty tables. We can't have that now can we?

Let's get our mySQL database setup on OpenShift.

# First we need to add the mysql database instance to our Express instance,
# by making use of the rhc-ctl-app client tool.
$ rhc-ctl-app --help

Usage: /usr/bin/rhc-ctl-app
Control an OpenShift express app

  -a|--app   application   Application name  (alphanumeric) (required)
  -l|--rhlogin rhlogin     Red Hat login (RHN or OpenShift login with OpenShift Express access) (Default: xxxxxx)
  -p|--password password   RHLogin password  (optional, will prompt)
  -c|--command command     (start|stop|restart|reload|status|destroy)
  -L|--embedded-list       List supported embedded cartridges
  -e|--embed               (add-$cartridge|remove-$cartridge) eg: add-mysql-5.1
  -b|--bypass              Bypass warnings
  -d|--debug               Print Debug info
  -h|--help                Show Usage info

# now lets add the mysql-5.1 embedded cartridge.
$ rhc-ctl-app -a babygame -l [registered-user] -p [password] -e add-mysql-5.1

API version:    1.1.1
Broker version: 1.1.1


Mysql 5.1 database added.  Please make note of these credentials:

   Root User: admin
   Root Password: XXXXXXXXX
   Database Name: babygame

Connection URL: mysql://XXX.X.X.X:3306/

Now we need to add the file and adjust to reflect the proper db variables. So we adjust this and push the file to our repo.

# edit our file to add mysql database info and set the initial birth dates.
$ cat

[skip boring parts]
// Database settings.
define( "DB_SERVER",    $_ENV['OPENSHIFT_DB_HOST'] );
define( "DB_USER",      $_ENV['OPENSHIFT_DB_USERNAME'] );	
define( "DB_DATABASE",  "babygame" );	

# Add the config file, push to repo.
$ git add php/; git commit -m "Added mysql config file."; git push origin

[master b7f9973] Added mysql config file.
 1 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 php/
Counting objects: 6, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 778 bytes, done.
Total 4 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Stopping application...
remote: Waiting for stop to finish
remote: Done
remote: Running .openshift/action_hooks/build
remote: Starting application...
To ssh://
   820db4f..b7f9973  master -> master

Managing your mySQL database
One problem I had was that the database was created, but not the table 'guesses' that I needed. To achieve this I had to put some configuration changes into the build script that runs on each push to the repo (causing a fresh deploy of your application).

# addded this to my .openshift/action_hooks/build file in 
# the babygame project.
set -e

    echo 1>&2
    echo "Could not find mysql database.  Please run:" 1>&2
    echo "rhc-ctl-app -a $OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME -e add-mysql-5.1" 1>&2
    echo "then make a sample commit (add whitespace somewhere) and re-push" 1>&2
    echo 1>&2
    exit 5

# check for database.
if ! /usr/bin/mysql -u "$OPENSHIFT_DB_USERNAME" --password="$OPENSHIFT_DB_PASSWORD" -h "$OPENSHIFT_DB_HOST" -e "show tables;" $OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME > /dev/null
    echo 1>&2
    echo "Could not find mysql database. " 1>&2
    echo "Creating database for application named: $OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME." 1 >&2
    /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u "$OPENSHIFT_DB_USERNAME" --password="$OPENSHIFT_DB_PASSWORD" -h "$OPENSHIFT_DB_HOST" create "$OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME"

# Confirm database exists, if not create it
if ! /usr/bin/mysql -u "$OPENSHIFT_DB_USERNAME" --password="$OPENSHIFT_DB_PASSWORD" -h "$OPENSHIFT_DB_HOST" -e "select * from guesses;;" "$OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME" > /dev/null
    echo "Schema not found!  Importing schema from .openshift/action_hooks/baby.sql"
    /usr/bin/mysql -u "$OPENSHIFT_DB_USERNAME" --password="$OPENSHIFT_DB_PASSWORD" -h "$OPENSHIFT_DB_HOST" "$OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME" < "$OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/.openshift/action_hooks/baby.sql"
    echo "done."
    echo "Database found, skipping import."

Fully configured babygame!
If you look closely you will see that I also added the baby.sql file in the same directory so that the 'guesses' table is created if needed. Now we fire up the application and add a guess!

This completes the migration of the original PHP Babygame application from a local installation to the cloud with OpenShift Express!

I will be pushing this project soon to github at

Happy guessing! :-)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Cloud Developer Convention 2011: Get your code in the Cloud and your PaaS over here - The OpenShift primer for developers

In October I will be doing a tour through Germany with the OpenShift core team, stopping at a few cloud conferences. TechTalks | Cloud::Developer Convention is in Hamburg, on the 13-14th and will feature technical talks targeting real developers. I look forward to speaking and wandering around my old stomping grounds in Hamburg!

Get Your Code in the Cloud and Your PaaS Over Here – The OpenShift Primer for Developers

Whether you’re a seasoned Java developer looking to start hacking on EE6 or you just wrote your first line of Ruby yesterday, the cloud is turning out to be the perfect environment for developing applications in just about any modern language or framework. There are plenty of clouds and platform-as-a-services to choose from, but where to start? Join us for an action-packed hour of power where we’ll show you how to deploy an application written in the language of your choice – Java, Ruby, PHP, Perl or Python, with the framework of your choice – EE6, CDI, Seam, Spring, Zend, Cake, Rails, Sinatra, PerlDancer or Django to the OpenShift PaaS in just minutes. And without having to rewrite your app to get it to work the way the cloud provider thinks your app should work.
Check the command-line fun of Eric Schabell as he leverages Git to onboard apps onto OpenShift Express in seconds, while also making use of the web browser do the heavy-lifting of provisioning clusters, deploying, monitoring and auto-scaling apps in OpenShift Flex. By the end of this session you’ll have multiple applications running in the cloud, guaranteed, or your money back! (Did we mention OpenShift is free-as-in-beer?)
If you want to learn how the OpenShift PaaS and investing an hour of your time can change everything you thought you knew about developing applications in the cloud, this session is for you!

See you there? :-)