My problem was how to obtain the exception process instance when all I know is the process name? I also had it easy from the unit testing point of view, I do not need to worry about multiple running instances of the exception framework as this is under my unit test control (at least I feel like I have some control over it!).
Below you see how you can locate your process instance and context within that instance. I will show you some helper methods that might come in handy for you (all logging done with log4j and assumes you understand what you see below):
/** Used to get the process id of the specific process I want. */ public long getExceptionProcId () { JbpmConfiguration jbpmConf = JbpmConfiguration.getInstance(); long procId; // Open the transaction. JbpmContext jbpmCtx = jbpmConf.createJbpmContext(); try { // Get our process instance back. GraphSession graphSession = jbpmCtx.getGraphSession(); ProcessDefinition processDefinition = GraphSession.findLatestProcessDefinition("Exception Framework"); assertThat("No process definition found.", processDefinition, is(not(nullValue()))); // Now, we search for all process instances of this process definition. List processInstances = graphSession.findProcessInstances(processDefinition.getId()); ProcessInstance procInst = (ProcessInstance) processInstances.get(0); procId = procInst.getId(); } finally { // Close context. jbpmCtx.close(); } return procId; }With the above you can make use of the processId to recall your process instance as follows:
JbpmConfiguration jbpmConf = JbpmConfiguration.getInstance(); JbpmContext jbpmCtx = jbpmConf.createJbpmContext(); try { long processInstanceId = getExceptionProcId(); ProcessInstance procInst = jbpmCtx.getProcessInstance(processInstanceId); assertThat("No exception process instance returned.", procInst, is(not(nullValue()))); assertThat("Exception process in unexpected state.", procInst.hasEnded(), is(true)); } finally { // Close context. jbpmCtx.close(); }Another nice one to help you find what processes have been deployed in your current jBPMContext:
// find all our processes that have been deployed and log them. JbpmConfiguration jbpmConf = JbpmConfiguration.getInstance(); JbpmContext jbpmCtx = jbpmConf.createJbpmContext(); try { ListlistProcs = jbpmCtx.getGraphSession().findAllProcessDefinitions(); if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) { for (ProcessDefinition processDefinition : listProcs) { getLogger().debug("Process definition is: " + processDefinition + " with version: " + processDefinition.getVersion() + "."); } } } finally { jbpmCtx.close(); }
Maybe a bit later, but thank you. It saves me a bit of pain. Radek