Eric D. Schabell: Fedora 12 Eclipse Subversion plugins missing javahl

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Fedora 12 Eclipse Subversion plugins missing javahl

I tend not to use the integrated Fedora 12 Eclipse packages as I want more control over my Eclipse or JBoss Developer Studio (JBDS) and Java versions. I have many Java JDK's installed and can use them easily with the alternatives setup from Fedora 12.

What I keep running into is that the local subversion packages provide Java HL in the /usr/lib64/* location and the Eclipse or JBDS Subclipse plugins are looking for them in /usr/lib/*, so how to correct this?

// adding the pointer to my javahl libs in eclipse.ini file 
// as follows to make use of the Fedora 12 native rpm javahl
// package installed libs:

Now my subversion tooling in Eclipse / JBDS works without complaining...

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