Eric D. Schabell: JBoss SOA-P 5.1 workshop - impressions of Stockholm, Sweden

Thursday, March 3, 2011

JBoss SOA-P 5.1 workshop - impressions of Stockholm, Sweden

Jeff DeLong lectures
Red Hat JBoss provided a four day training in Stockholm, Sweden from 28 Feb - 03 Mar for a mixed group of partners (12x) and Red Hat JBoss'ers (4x) working in depth with the latest release of JBoss SOA-P 5.1.

This workshop included some technical previews of components that are coming down the JBoss projects pipeline and will be eventually included in the product.

These projects provide choreography, bpel, code generation, architect process tooling and a service repository for your soa artifacts:
The course covered the following topics and is a great way to scale up our partners on the technical details involved with implementing SOA-P solutions:
Captivated crowd

Day 1
  • Soa introduction
  • Soa development process overview
  • Business analysis
  • Architecture modeling
Day 2
  • Service oriented analysis
  • Overview web service standards
  • Service oriented design
  • ESB actions
  • ESB transactions
  • Snow and even a day of sun!
  • ESB web services
Day 3
  • Service development - entity services
  • Introduction to JBoss BRMS
  • Service development - task services
  • Service orchestration 
    • intro BPEL / Riftsaw
    • BPEL basic activities
    • BPEL msg data and correlation
    • BPEL control flow and fault
    • Culture trip to the Ice Bar
    • orchestration services
Day 4
  • Routing
  • Soa security
  • Complex event processing
  • Service deployment
  • Service monitoring
Many labs and hands on time spent during the week which is not for the beginner as you dive deeply into the JBoss ESB, Web Services, code generation, project wizards, choreography, BPEL, etc. All this is tied into a complex but complete running case study that ties it all nicely together.

Thanks to Jeff DeLong for the work he put into designing a top notch workshop and I hope we will be able to roll this out to our EMEA partners as well soon!

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