Eric D. Schabell: Guest Lecture Requirement Engineering at Radboud University Nijmegen

Monday, June 3, 2013

Guest Lecture Requirement Engineering at Radboud University Nijmegen

A few times a year I give guest lectures on Business Rules and Requirement Engineering, today was the 2013 version of the later.

A nice group of students put up with my story telling over a two hour period, well, to be honest I think we wrapped it up a bit earlier than that, but you get the idea. We covered some use cases I have from a previous project, but it is representative of how it often looks in real life, thus the title is 'from the trenches.'

We covered best practices, improving the experience, staying positive no matter what, business rules, business processes, and even a bit on Red Hat as there were some questions at the end. I really enjoyed this group, so nothing left to do but wish them luck on the final!

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