Eric D. Schabell: Devoxx France 2017 - Ready for AppDev, Cloud and a Circus?

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Devoxx France 2017 - Ready for AppDev, Cloud and a Circus?

devoxx france 2017
This year Devoxx France 2017 will be on April 5 - 7 in Paris, France.

I wanted to give it a shot as I have spoken several times at other Devoxx venues, but never at the French one.

I know they only have a limited number of English language slots, so here's hoping.

I submitted the following talks to cover some Cloud, AppDev and maybe even entertain you with a circus of monkeys:

App Dev in the Cloud: Not my circus, not my monkeys...

When faced with all the hype around Cloud, most application developers are not really all that excited. Maybe you get that feeling that it isn't your problem, just leave me to my applications. Let me show you why, as an application developer, you can't ignore your Cloud stack anymore.

We will examine your Cloud stack anxieties and provide you with a solutions to ease you into your first private PaaS based on OpenShift Container Platform on your own local machine that you can install in just minutes. Finally you will be given a myriad of examples to take home with you to take control of this circus and own the monkeys!

Get your App Dev on in the Cloud

There is a lot of hype around Cloud infrastructure and development on that Cloud. What does this mean for you, the ones that have to develop applications on some form of Cloud infrastructure? What are you going to do with these things called containers and how will that impact your life as a developer?

In this session you will be given a growing toolbox of examples, how-to’s and video pointers so that you can get to grips with the story around application development in the Cloud. By the end of this session you will be able to answer the question, “Why can’t I ignore the stack anymore?”

3 Steps to Cloud Happiness

The reality of starting your cloud journey can be daunting to anyone involved with actual application delivery for an organization. The who, what and how are often left to the reader/developer to figure out. No more... this session guides attendees on the path to their very own private Cloud installed on their machine in just three simple steps. But wait, there's more, we take you on a journey where you put a real life application into a container and deploy it on your Cloud.

Join us for an hour of power as we deliver the recipe for happiness as you embark on your personal digital journey and start delivering on 'Stuff-as-a-Service' to your customers.

Hope to see you there!

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