Eric D. Schabell: OpenSlava 2017 slides: Are developers the real emerging technology?

Friday, October 6, 2017

OpenSlava 2017 slides: Are developers the real emerging technology?

openslava 2017
As mentioned previously, I was at OpenSlava 2017 this week presenting a keynote, a lightning talk and a breakout session.

OpenSlava is organized by Accenture and brings together speakers on emerging technologies and open source, kicking off October 5-6 in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Below you will find the slides from the opening keynote on developers and emerging technology.

Keynote: Are developers the real emerging technology?

Developers are no longer just coders in the background but are front and center of an organization’s digital transformation efforts. While technology is driving change with open source projects, new tooling, containers and clouds offerings galore, it's still about people and organizational culture. Join us as we discover how developers are the real emerging technology today and the most important assets of all.

The talk was recorded and online, if you have a few minutes:

Thanks for coming out and joining me during my talk, hope to see you again next year!

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