Later this year, from 2-4 Oct in Orlando, Florida is the Grace Hooper Celebration 2019.
As they say on the site, "Grace Hopper Celebration is the world's largest gathering of women technologists."
I've always admired this conference from afar, and have been a bit unsure if I should submit a session. It's often been an issue of not really having something specific to the theme of this conference, but now I do.
I've been tuning a topic for the better part of two years now and feel that I can tailor it towards helping empower women in open careers.
I've submitted the following session and have my fingers crossed.
As they say on the site, "Grace Hopper Celebration is the world's largest gathering of women technologists."
I've always admired this conference from afar, and have been a bit unsure if I should submit a session. It's often been an issue of not really having something specific to the theme of this conference, but now I do.
I've been tuning a topic for the better part of two years now and feel that I can tailor it towards helping empower women in open careers.
I've submitted the following session and have my fingers crossed.
Empowering a Career in Open
It's not chance. It's not luck. It's definitely not going to happen by itself. So what's the secret sauce? Understanding what empowers a career in open source, open technology, or open organizations. What makes a career grow, what choices are crucial, and what actions accelerate or damage your future are sometimes hard to grasp. Helping women find their path to success in the open source world requires passion and understanding. Be ready for the next chance to empower your career. Join me as together we explore a clear and easy to use plan with the goal to empower your open career starting today.Audience
This talk has been tailored to suit all levels, from starting to mid-level careers in IT. It’s not important that the audience is working currently in open source, but just that they have an interest in a possible career path in open source (or open technology or open organizations). Helping women take the right steps, make the right choices, and finding the same satisfaction in open careers requires a basic game plan that this session provides for them to take home, apply, and build on after attending.
This session has been crafted over the last two years. It started as a generic guide to how to start implementing the things that make us successful with careers in open source, open technology, and open organizations. It’s not always about technology, but it’s always about sharing, helping, and teaching others how to explore their passions.
Open careers are about following your passions and this session has evolved after multiple tellings in to a story about the roadmap everyone can implement. It’s not about radical changes, but guides you through simple starting points that everyone can apply to their personal career environments.
These principles are universal in empowering your career, but the focus of this session is on how it’s fundamental to women and open careers. Specifically, this session aims to focus on how women can use these principles to empower their futures in open source, open technology, and open organizations.
Outcomes / Conclusion
By the end of this session, attendees will:
- Receive an insider's view point on the simple things that make you successful in the world of open source, open technology, and open organizations
- Understand that a career in open source, open technology, and open organizations does not always have to be deeply technical
- Have a roadmap with simple steps to align their career activities to open principles (sharing, teaching, and more)
- See examples of how these simple steps have empowered other women in their careers in open organizations (using Red Hat examples)
- Have an understanding of the steps they need to take to start empowering their futures in open source, open technology, and open organizations
- Leave this session motivated to begin implementing a plan to empower their own careers
Now we wait and hope to get the chance to present this later this year!
Feedback was very positive, but talk rejected. See the comments they provided in the review process, makes me wonder what it takes. :-)
ReplyDeleteReviewer 1: "Thank you for your submission. The proposal was very well written with an intention to inspire women to consider a career in open source and open technology. The outcome was very well-articulated the topic is relevant to the track and the overall conference. The key out comes were well-articulated. Presenter has deep expertise in open source and the proposal offers inspiration to women to consider a career in open and be successful."
Reviewer 2: "Good focused presentation on learning about open source careers and how to chart a path in the field. Love that identified points not only identify opportunities but also provides specifics for motivating and thriving in the career. Title clearly identifies topic to be presented and abstract stays focused on key areas. Like that it is stated don't need to be highly technical to entertain mapping a career in this direction."
Reviewer 3: "Insight to a growing area of the tech market including roadmaps and work based experiences/examples for attendees to take away."