Eric D. Schabell: DevConf.US 2019 - 7 Steps to Expanding Your AppDev Toolbox (slides)

Saturday, August 17, 2019

DevConf.US 2019 - 7 Steps to Expanding Your AppDev Toolbox (slides)

Previously I talked about submitting to in Boston.

This week I was in Boston presenting three talks that got accepted.

It was a lot of fun and happy to see so many faces of friend, to meet so many eager new developers, and to share the stories I have to tell.

Below are the slides from the talk I gave on 7 steps to expanding your application development toolbox.

First the slides and then the abstract:

7 Steps to Expanding Your AppDev Toolbox

Are you ready to add automation to your development toolbox? Are you looking to integrate processes in your application development projects but not sure  where to start? Do the process integration tools intimidate you a little? No worries, we've got the easiest way to spin up your knowledge around process integration using open source technologies. Take a tour with us and learn how in 7 easy steps you can soar to new heights by adding these new skills to your AppDev toolbox. You'll walk away from this session with the learning path to integrating automation in to your next project. This session content provides all materials free, online, and available in easy to follow hands-on format. Attendees can head homeward after this session and continue advancing their skills at their own pace.

Thanks for attending and feel free to reach out via this sites contact form if you have any questions or comments.