Eric D. Schabell: All Things Open 2020 - Sharing microservice mayhem, careers, and storytelling

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

All Things Open 2020 - Sharing microservice mayhem, careers, and storytelling

It's that time of year again, when the dynamic and exciting All Things Open call for papers hits your inbox.

Last year there was almost 5000 attendees, so it's not just another event, but one dedicated to sharing all things in the open source world.

In 2018 I presented a main stage lighting talk on how to jump start your career in open source. That became the foundation of a talk I've been using to open a few events as a keynote.

This year I wanted to take another run at joining you in Raleigh, NC from 18-20 October, so I've sent in a few of my top ideas to share with their potential audience.

The following ideas are what I've submitted to the call for papers.

Reality Bites: 3 Misconceptions that Can Lead to Microservice Mayhem
Microservices are core to organizations’ flexibility and agility in the digital world. But that doesn’t mean that microservices are right for every use case or even for every organization—at least, not right now. There is no doubt that microservices are becoming the mainstream. Within the next two years, 90% of all new apps will feature microservices architecture, according to “IDC FutureScape: Worldwide IT Industry 2019 Predictions.” Indeed, as organizations witness (and drive) more and more microservices success stories, they may feel compelled to join the race and accelerate their current microservices initiatives. Whether that is a good move or not depends not just on the readiness of the organization, but also on its willingness and ability to acknowledge some hard truths about the microservices model and culture. Let me take you on a tour of the reality behind three microservices misconceptions—and share real world implementation insights as to why that reality can sometimes bite.

5 Questions Everyone Ignores with Microservices
The daily hype is all around you. Microservices are a necessary step along the path to integration for a digitally successful future for your organization. Funny enough, when discussing the development impact while transitioning to microservices, there are five questions that keep popping up. This session covers the questions that everyone should ask about microservices. Join us for an hour of power, where real life developer experiences are used to highlight the lessons we're all learning as we transition our integration infrastructure into modern day microservices.

Open Key to Your Career
It's not coincidence. It's not luck. It's not going to happen by itself, so what's the secret sauce? Understanding what makes a career in open source grow, what choices are crucial, and what actions accelerate or damage your open source future are sometimes hard to grasp. Learning to position, expand and grow your personal brand in the open source world is what this session provides. Be ready for your next step in open source. Join me for an hour of power where you'll be given a clear and easy to use plan for jump starting your open source career immediately.

Speaking Bites: 5 Traits Putting Your Audiences to Sleep
Speaking to an audience is as old as time itself…. Since the beginning of humankind, we share our experiences, we teach, we inspire, we relate to stories as told all around us. They are told by elders, they are told by kids at the dinner table, they are written down in books, and they are captured on video or tape. One thing is certain, stories are being told, but what are your stories and how can you become adept at telling them? The problem is you're feeling insecure and unsure on stage or in that big meeting where you have to sway an audience with your story. Do you feel like you're losing them after five or ten minutes? In this session the attendee discovers five simple and easy to apply changes that she can start using immediately to improve their engagement factor. Find out what five traits you've been abusing. Find out that they're right in front of your eyes but you can't see them. Join this session and you'll soon stop putting your audiences to sleep!

Now we cross our fingers and hope to see you in Raleigh soon!