Eric D. Schabell: Incontro DevOps Italia 2024 - 3 Pitfalls Everyone Should Avoid with Cloud Data

Monday, January 15, 2024

Incontro DevOps Italia 2024 - 3 Pitfalls Everyone Should Avoid with Cloud Data

Last year I submitted and was accepted to speak at the Incontro DevOps Italia event, but due to changing circumstances related to work I had to pull out. This is not something I have rarely done and I always make it a point to clear my schedule for the following year to attend. 

This year's priority was for Incontro DevOps Italia 2024 on the 15th of March in Bologna, Italy.  I'm grateful they selected my talk this year and for being part of a select group of speakers.

The city of Bologna is the lively, historic capital of the Emilia-Romagna region, in northern Italy. Its Piazza Maggiore is a sprawling plaza lined with arched colonnades, cafes and medieval and Renaissance structures such as City Hall, the Fountain of Neptune and the Basilica di San Petronio. Among the city’s many medieval towers are the Two Towers, leaning Asinelli and Garisenda. I'm personally looking forward to a bit of exploring the culinary offerings that Bologna has to offer!

Below you will find the outline of my talk. 

This session is designed to help every cloud native user avoid the common pitfalls around the flood of cloud data that typically comes with the user experience. Bring your enthusiasm and energy as you will be engaging in a discussion before you know it!

Title: 3 Pitfalls Everyone Should Avoid with Cloud Data

The daily hype is all around you. From cloud native, multi-cloud, to hybrid cloud, this is the path to your digital future. The choices you make as a developer doesn’t preclude the daily work of enhancing your customer's experience and agile delivery of your applications. With all this delivery and infrastructure, the amount of data generated when engaging with any cloud experience. Regulatory and compliance pressures force us to store audit and observability data. Understanding the pitfalls around the collection, storage, and maintenance of your cloud data can mean the difference between bankruptcy and success with our cloud native strategy. Let us take you on a journey, looking closely at the decisions you are making as a developer delivering and dealing with monitoring your applications.

Key Takeaways - Attendees to this session will gain insights into the data explosion that is part of the large scale cloud native world. Real customer experiences and examples (near misses) are used to highlight the top three lessons learned as their developers transitioned their data needs into cloud native environments.

The schedule should be filling out in the coming weeks and I'll see you there!

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