Eric D. Schabell: Benoit visit to the Netherlands!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Benoit visit to the Netherlands!

Another long time Source Mage developer stopped by yesterday here in my corner of the world. Benoit dropped by with his wife and we had a nice time chatting, laughing and looking at the sights.

Was great to chat about the old SMGL days, laugh about current projects and plan a bit for the future. I really hope that Benoit will not be too busy to help out with the AbTLinux project!

This makes three developers I have personally met from free software projects I have worked on, really nice to meet the persons behind the nicks.

We made a tenative plan that our first ever AbTLinux developers meeting should take place in France. ;-)

Have a safe trip home Benoit and look forward to working together in the future!

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