Eric D. Schabell: Rycee stops by for a visit!

Saturday, August 6, 2005

Rycee stops by for a visit!

One of the long time Source Mage developers with which I worked closely with stopped by the Netherlands on a vacation bike tour. He found the time to stay a week. While there we met in s-Hertogenbosch for beers, terras sun and bitterballs (don't ask, you have to try them).

We ended up having such fun that I invited them both over for a bit of a BBQ. He saw my place, my family and we had a nice evening before they headed back to basvg's home.

Robert, was great to meet you and I sincerly hope you find the time to drop into my AbTLinux project. I could really use your talents.

That's it for now, time to get get my world back in order after a three week vacation to start working again on monday... sigh.

PS. Almost forgot, Benoit is in the Netherlands too this week! We gonna meet up and I will drop a line or two about the visit later this week, stay tuned!

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