Eric D. Schabell: Upgrade Fedora 11 to Fedora 12 howto

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Upgrade Fedora 11 to Fedora 12 howto

A few simple steps to upgrade:

# As root you would like to have a clean start to the
# upgrade, so get an update out of the way.
$ yum update rpm

$ yum -y update

$ yum clean all

# Should a new kernel install/update require it,
# reboot before continuing with the rest.
# Then install the preupgrade package.
$ yum install preupgrade

# For console upgrade, use:
$ preupgrade-cli "Fedora 12 (Constantine)"

# If you like gui's to upgrade, use this.
$ preupgrade

This is exactly the same process as I previously described with Fedora 10 to Fedora 11 upgrade.

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