Eric D. Schabell: JBoss Developer Studio - remove Spring support and live Spring free

Monday, December 20, 2010

JBoss Developer Studio - remove Spring support and live Spring free

I am not a Spring developer, so why should I put up with it in my Eclipse IDE of choice? A friend of mine pointed me to the stuff that needs to be drop-kicked-without-backspin:

# We just want to remove all the plugin and feature stuff that is
# related to Spring.
$ cd ~/jbdevstudio/studio/eclipse/plugins

$ ls -l | grep spring

# This displays about 90 jar files related to Spring tooling, just 
# dump them as follows.
$ rm com.springsource*

$ rm*

$ rm org.springframework*

# Now we need to remove the features directories related to 
# Spring.
$ cd ../features

$ ls -l | grep spring

# This displays about 7 directories containing Spring tooling, just 
# dump them as follows.
$ rm -rf org.springframework*

That was all there was to it. Now fire up your streamlined IDE and enjoy a Spring fee existence!

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