Eric D. Schabell: Red Hat Virtual Conference featuring SNS Bank JBoss jBPM story

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Red Hat Virtual Conference featuring SNS Bank JBoss jBPM story

Today the Red Hat Virtual Conference kicked off, including a great story by Michel De Blok.

Bio Michel De Blok
Michel de Blok is a Senior Software Engineer at SNS Bank, an innovative Bank in the Netherlands.
He has over 10 years experience in Java and Java EE and focusses on integration solutions and
automated build and development tools. At SNS Bank he is responsible for the middleware layer
that enables legacy systems to be used by STP (Straight-Through-Processing) business processes,
which are implemented with the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.

Pioneering a path to the future with JBoss Business Process Management
As one of the top four Dutch financial institutions, SNS Bank in the Netherlands made a strategic decision to use technology to empower its customers online by fully automating its service and selling channels. In order to effectively move towards a full-scale Straight Through Processing (STP) experience, SNS Bank chose to achieve its goals by making use of Open Source Software, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), and BPM.

This session will take us through the history of the SNS Bank, laying the groundwork as to their vision and strategy. This will explain the move from a traditional bank to a modern Internet bank providing innovative selling channels. We will walk through the existing architecture, detailing the impact this move has had on existing IT systems and the migration efforts to position open source solutions.

It goes without saying that these moves have had an effect on both the business departments and customers from the SNS Bank. The major change from branch offices to Internet selling channels required a new focus for the business departments to be able to provide effective services to her customers.

Finally, a close look at the lessons learned along the way will provide you with insight into a working open source STP BPM solution that is cost effective, reliable, flexible, and tailored to evolve with SNS Bank into the future.

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