Eric D. Schabell: jBPM Migration Tool project - quickstart setup

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

jBPM Migration Tool project - quickstart setup

It seemed like a good idea to provide some simple instructions to get you started with the migration tooling in its current state. Even though they are really simple tests, you can help provide feedback by being able to run your own process definitions through the tooling in the near future when we get a bit farther along.

The first steps are described here in the quickstart wiki for cloning the code base and maven building it all.

After that you want to have a way to click on a jBPM 3.2 (jPDL) process definition and then convert it to a BPMN2 compliant process definition. You need to have a run configuration in you Eclipse for this so pull down the menu that is circled and select 'Run Configurations...':

This will allow you to select 'XSL' as shown and add a 'New' configuration:
We need to then start with the 'Main' tab, giving this a 'Name', selecting a 'Variable' called 'resource_loc' which allows you to select your process definition file to migrate and 'Add Files' to provide the migration stylesheet as shown:

Next you want to configure the 'Output' tab with an output location and file name, here shown in the target directory. It is handy to have the output formatted and opened on completion so these boxes need to be checked:

For completeness, here is shown the processor and version we are using:

To have this configuration appear in your 'Run' menu, just check the 'Run' box in the 'Common' tab as shown here:

This setup should allow you to select a jBPM process definition and convert that jPDL based file to a brand shiny new BPMN2 compliant process definition (some day soon we hope anyway)!

At this point it is a very trivial tool, expanding as we move forward to encompass more and more jPDL elements. Note also that location information is not yet been taken into consideration, so once you convert your definitions, you will have to pull them out of the top left corner of your viewer/editors the first time you open them. We will fix that soon...

Please feel free to provide feedback, process definitions you want tested, and comments as we move forward.

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