Eric D. Schabell: JBoss One Day Talks - JBoss BRMS sneak peak at jBPM

Friday, October 12, 2012

JBoss One Day Talks - JBoss BRMS sneak peak at jBPM

This week I was at the JBoss One Day Talks event in Munich, Germany. It was a day packed with sessions on all things JBoss, both projects from the community and products from the supported JBoss line from Red Hat.

It was a nice group of local guys and some friends I know in the area that made the trip from outlying cities such as Stuttgart and Berlin. I had a session on JBoss BRMS with a focus on BPM by the jBPM component that you will find in the latest release.

I wanted to mention the OpenShift session given by Jurgen Buddy Hoffmann entitled OpenShift PaaS by Red Hat - Code, Deploy, Enjoy! This was a great update session that walked us through the various architectural components that make up the OpenShift PaaS, including a demo of deploying an application and a walk through the various new features that make up the goodness of OpenShift.

My session was pretty well filled and I ran through the following slides, ending with an extensive look at the demo BRMS Rewards Demo that you can find in my github:


  1. Hey Eric! Thx for your awesome talk at OneDayTalk 2012. Hope you will be with us again next year...

    1. You invite me and I will come. I really enjoyed the session and chats with attendees during the event. :)


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