Eric D. Schabell: JBoss BRMS Cool Store Demo updated with EAP 6.1.1

Thursday, September 5, 2013

JBoss BRMS Cool Store Demo updated with EAP 6.1.1

Forge Laptop Sticker added to the Cool Store!
You all might remember the JBoss Business Rules Management System (BRMS) Cool Store Demo, which we released some time ago.

This week the final GA of JBoss EAP 6.1.1 was released, so we are back with a newer version 1.3 is running on JBoss EAP 6.1.1 and leveraging the central JBoss Maven repository.

To review, this demo was originally created by Jason Milliron. He put together an example web application based on the popular framework Vaadin which is an example of an online shopping cart. This web application demonstrates interaction between a web front end and a decision table and rules package. This allows the business logic to become externalized from your deployed application and can then be modified as needed at runtime. This application leverages the rules to calculate the shipping costs based on your rules in the table below.

Shipping pricing table
It is pretty simple really, you can adjust how much the ranges are and what the shipping for the shopping cart total order will be by tweaking this table, for example:

  • the price from Tier 1 based on value totaling between $26 - $50 is $5.99
  • you can fill your cart with under $25 of materials to validate
  • adjust it to $6.99 (as shown in yellow)
  • save and commit changes
  • build your coolstore package
  • clear the shopping cart application
  • re-order the same materials and validate the charge to shipping is now $6.99
See the provided documentation and Readme file in the project. You will also find a complete BRMS rules package with unit test scenarios. This is a complete project.


UPDATE: Three part video series covering the functionality in this demo project is available now, get started with Part I - Installation.

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