Eric D. Schabell: JBoss BRMS Primer - appearance at Brussia Dortmund stadium

Monday, September 2, 2013

JBoss BRMS Primer - appearance at Brussia Dortmund stadium

I will be appearing for the first time in the Brussia Dortmund stadium on Monday, 16 September 2013. My session is at 1430 hours.

I will not be singing in the stadium.

I will not be playing in a football match at the stadium.

Instead I will be appearing at the JBoss Business Day being hosted in Germany.

I plan to present on the current and coming versions of JBoss BRMS with some hints about the upcoming JBoss BPM Suite. Be sure to register online if you are in the area.

JBoss Business Rules & BPM Solutions with JBoss BRMS
This session will get you started with JBoss BRMS. It will walk you through some of the capabilities, components and basic concepts that one needs to understand to start building process and rule-driven applications. Join us for an hour of Business Process Management (BPM) concepts, explanations of how to capture your enterprises logic in business rules and a demonstration or two from real live processes that bring these concepts to life.

Slides can be found here.

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