Eric D. Schabell: Open Source Conference Amsterdam 2013 - JBoss Integration, BPM, and xPaaS talks abound

Friday, November 15, 2013

Open Source Conference Amsterdam 2013 - JBoss Integration, BPM, and xPaaS talks abound

I will be attending the Open Source Conference 2013 in Amsterdam, hosted by Red Hat in the Amsterdam Beurs van Berlage (the old stock exchange building) on the 6th of December.

Traditionally this event draws a great crowd, over 1000 attendees the last few years, registration is completely free so sign up now!

I will be giving the following two talks.

The JBoss Cloud Guide to all things xPaaS

Whether your business is running on applications based on Java EE6, PHP or Ruby, the cloud is turning out to be the perfect environment for developing your business. There are plenty of clouds and platform-as-a-services to choose from, but where to start? 

Join us for an action-packed half hour where we take you through the Cloud Guide that covers everything and the kitchen sink! We have all the examples, demos, and practical tips for ratcheting up your knowledge of what is available right now in the world of open source JBoss based xPaaS functionality. Not only will you be able to setup diverse PaaS solutions, you will be shown how to leverage your existing application with the product of your choice - examples with JBoss BPM, Switchyard, Opta Planner, JBoss Mobile, JBoss Portal, and more leveraging the OpenShift PaaS in just minutes. 

If you want to learn more about the practicality of Red Hat's xPaaS vision and the role JBoss can play, see how investing an hour of your time can change everything you thought you knew about putting your business applications in the cloud, this session is for you!

What’s new in JBoss Integration & BPM World

Join us for a session on the coming product launches of Red Hat JBoss Fuse Service Works (FSW), Red Hat JBoss Business Rules Management System (BRMS), and Red Hat JBoss Business Process Management Suite (BPM Suite). We will walk you through these exciting new technologies, what they are going to mean to you, and how they can be leveraged to expand your business into the future.

JBoss FSW is Red Hat’s middleware solution for application integration, messaging, SOA, and service governance requirements. It combines the core ESB technology from our Fuse product and technical innovations from popular open source communities like SwitchYard and Overlord. JBoss BRMS and BPM Suite are Red Hat’s next generation products for maximizing your business activities with rules, events, reporting, and processes by leveraging the popular open source communities Drools and jBPM.

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