Eric D. Schabell: Devoxx BE 2014 - proposals submitted to Call for Papers (CFP)

Monday, July 7, 2014

Devoxx BE 2014 - proposals submitted to Call for Papers (CFP)

This years Devoxx BE 2014 will be on November 10th - 14th in Antwerp, Belgium. It is the biggest Java event in Europe and I have been attending, speaking, and helping out for the last six years.

Last year I had a session on OpenShift, but it was too short to get really down and dirty with hands on coding. This year I want to make a different approach and am only submitting hands on labs that give you three hours of fun with the topics covered.

With that in mind I have submitted the following two hands on labs.

Mastering xPaaS - get down and dirty in the OpenShift Cloud 

Ever wondered about all the new Cloud offerings out there? What is a PaaS? What is this thing Garner keeps calling xPaaS? How can I as a beginner get started in a few hours?  

Whether your business is running on applications based on Java EE6, PHP or Ruby, the cloud is turning out to be the perfect environment for developing your business. There are plenty of clouds and platform-as-a-services to choose from, but where to start? 

Join us for three action-packed hours of power where we'll show you how to deploy your existing application written in the language of your choice - Java, Ruby, PHP, Perl or Python, with the project of your choice - jBPM, Ceylon, Switchyard, Drools Planner, Aerogear, GateIn, Drools (Rules / BPM) and more deployed into the OpenShift PaaS in just minutes. All this and without having to rewrite your app to get it to work the way the cloud provider thinks your app should work. 

If you want to learn about xPaaS and see how investing just a few hours of your time can change everything you thought you knew about putting your business applications in the cloud, this session is for you! 

Choose your own adventure with real life JBoss Rules & BPM

Ready to rule the world?

With this workshop you get a chance to do just that, unlock the power of business rules engines and business processing for your development projects. We will take you through it all step-by-step, building rules, domain specific languages, using the wizards and editors that the JBoss BRMS & BPM Suite provide to piece together a project of your choosing. Create either an online web shopping cart experience or an HR employee awards approval process, it's all up to you. 

This is a hands on session that takes you from nothing to a fully working project based on JBoss open source software. There will also be an option to run this workshop on a real life bpmPaaS experience as provided by OpenShift. No time like the present to accelerate your projects into the Cloud! 

No expertise in rules or processes is required, you will be guided by the speaker and be sent homeward ready to apply what you have learned in your own projects.

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