Eric D. Schabell: JBug Scotland - An evening of Cloud, containers and application development

Thursday, August 11, 2016

JBug Scotland - An evening of Cloud, containers and application development

Over a year ago I was asked and spoke at the JBug Scotland to a great group of people. It was hosted in Edinburg and repeated in Glasgow, met a lot of fun people while showcasing a workshop around JBoss BPM technologies.

Shortly after that event I moved to the US for a year, an experience that is now coming slowly to and end. With that in mind, I was contacted about my return to Europe by my friends in Scotland. They wondered if I would like to revisit?

I am currently in a different evangelist role with a focus on solutions based on the entire Red Hat product portfolio. One thing led to another and we aligned a set of talks that cover a few things I am working on now.

Details are on the JBug Scotland site, but I will be there on Thursday, 22 Sep 2016 from 17:15 - 19:30 hrs. The address will be:

Orchard Brae House
30 Queensferry Road
Edinburgh, EH4 2HS

There will be food, drinks and three talks by me with one or more lightning talks slipped in just for fun. Below what I plan to cover in three sessions.

When getting started with JBoss BPM you are looking for a reference to help you understand what is possible and how it works. This session will highlight a new project that is a collaboration between Eric D. Schabell and Manning publishing to bring you a book that covers all you need to know to get started with JBoss BPM Suite. 

The book is available online in early access (electronic) format and in this session the author will give you a sneak peek at what is in the book, what is coming and answer any questions you might have. You have a unique chance to provide feedback and maybe even get something you desire into the book before it is completed. 

Finally, you will be give a free chapter to enjoy on your trip home after attending!

A local private PaaS in minutes with the Red Hat CDK 

You heard that right, a full blown private PaaS based on OpenShift Container Platform is at your finger tips with the Red Hat Container Development Kit (CDK) in just minutes. As developers it is the ultimate tool for running local Cloud-based example projects in a fully automated, low touch, easy to install OpenShift Container Platform. You will have a great environment to prototype your solutions and a playground for your customer engagements. Join me to see how easy the Cloud can really be!

Painless containerization in your very own Private Cloud

As application developers we are coming to grips with new technology all the time. Containerizing what we do is becoming the standard as our applications are delivered into the Cloud. Let me show you a painless way to easily install a private Cloud in just minutes, one that leverages today’s docker based container technologies from & wrapped in a developer friendly self-service OpenShift platform. Join me for examples that leverage real hands-on JBoss applications of painlessly containerized for the Cloud. 

Be sure to register and I am looking forward to seeing you there!

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