Eric D. Schabell: Red Hat Summit 2017 - Taking an AppDev look back

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Red Hat Summit 2017 - Taking an AppDev look back

red hat summit 2017
The Red Hat Summit 2017 has finished and there were a lot of interesting things that were announced, that happened and that were presented.

In fact, there was so much to do that one could not be everywhere at once.

With this in mind, let's take a look at the experience I had in Boston, MA. this week and share some of these impressions.

The biggest day is of course the opening of the Red Hat Summit.

It's the main keynote and includes a series of live demonstrations all captured for you in this video, so take a break and watch this from end-to-end.


On Day 1 of Red Hat Summit 2017, Paul Cormier looks at the infrastructure, process, and platform realities of IT today, and the path to cloud-native application development that our customers need for tomorrow. This keynote includes 3 product demos, each with real customer examples, starting with the modernization of legacy applications using Red Hat Development Toolset, WindUp, and Red Hat JBoss EAP. Then, we show the onboarding of developers and the creation of a cloud-native app using the new environment and tools. Last, you see the integration of the 2 apps using Red Hat JBoss Fuse. Cormier, Red Hat's Vice President of Products and Technology, also looks at the future state of API layers, from infrastructure foundation all the way to the app layer.

See more at the Red Hat Summit site:

Outside of this there were many sessions that covered a myriad of the things Red Hat helps application developers deliver on their promises, there were also hands-on labs and many activities at the booths.

I presented and was interviewed throughout the week and you can find them recorded online or posted here:

On top of that we got the chance to attend a Red Sox game a the conference main event. It was a great week of fun, open technology and meeting both old and new friends!

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