Eric D. Schabell: Tips for Attending the Red Hat Partner Conference EMEA

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Tips for Attending the Red Hat Partner Conference EMEA

tips for attending
The best conference you can find for Red Hat Partners is coming to Frankfurt, Germany from June 18 - 21.

This conference brings all the sessions, speakers and technologies you need to build on the rapidly accelerating demand for digital transformation solutions. This year’s agenda focuses on providing you with the knowledge needed to truly profit from your partnership with Red Hat - today and in the future.

Whether you’re an independent software vendor, systems integrator, (cloud) service provider or sponsor, this event is entirely devoted to not just meeting, but hopefully exceeding, your expectations and to providing significant value to your business.

Red Hat’s Partner Conference is a great opportunity to experience the amazing spirit of collaboration and deep connection that makes the Red Hat partner community unique in the industry. Of all the industry events out there, this really is one you cannot afford to miss. Be sure to register today.

The following are a few tips for those of you attending next month. I am going to be speaking with the ever dynamic and energetic Margaret Dawson on the following:

Cloud Infrastructure: Using open, integrated cloud solutions to accelerate innovation and time to market

Many organizations are developing a “cloud-first” strategy. And yet, a large percentage still do not have a clear cloud strategy, and most of the cloud activity is being done by developers on public cloud. It is our job to help customers both determine the best cloud approach based on the respective workload, capabilities, and policies. While public cloud may appear to be low hanging fruit, it is not always the right answer. Many organizations are implementing private cloud solutions to enable the innovation and speed needed while maintaining control and data sovereignty. In this session, Red Hat cloud experts will walk through the many cloud conversations we are having today, and how to position open, integrated cloud solutions to solve customer challenges. The session will cover how you can help organizations balance private, public, and hybrid cloud infrastructure environments. 

When: Tuesday, 11:30 - 12:00

Furthermore, I have submitted an introduction to this interesting online workshop:

Introduction to free online AppDev in the Cloud Workshop; build services, integrate containers and more

Ready to get hands-on with AppDev in the Cloud with integrated container-based services?  This session introduces you to the wonders of Cloud and containers, installed on your laptop, in just minutes. The rest of the session explores the free online workshop you can explore at your own pace, installing multiple integrated container-based services, leveraging Ansible automation and deploying applications on OpenShift Container Platform. Learn as you go with this hands on experience and be sure to bring your laptop for real AppDev fun!

tips for attending
Side note, this is what participants for this session experience:

In this workshop you're a developer working for Destinaisa, a travel agency that needs to setup its online bookings applications backend services. You'll be installing the OpenShift Container Platform on your laptop, then installing JBoss BRMS to work in the Destinasia discount rules. Once they are completed, you leverage Ansible playbook to see infrastructure automation in action. Each playbook will deploy a new container based service to support flight, hotel, car and discount rule queries from your application. In total you will be running 6 container based applications or services on your laptop in a private PaaS before testing this solution with a REST client, sending a booking and verifying the discounts provided by the rules you implemented. All materials are online, just bring a laptop! (

Make sure you attend these sessions and looking forward to meeting you in Frankfurt soon for a chat.

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