Step 8 - Curing travel woes |
As previously presented in the introduction, it's possible to find cloud happiness through a journey focused on the storyline of digital transformation and the need to deliver applications in to a cloud service.
Application delivery and all it's moving parts such as containers, cloud, platform as a service (PaaS) and a digital journey requires some planning to get started. There's nothing like hands-on steps to quickly leverage real experiences as you prepare.
Previously we covered how to get a cloud, the use of a service catalog, how to add cloud operations functionality, centralizing business logic, process improvement, the human aspect, and a retail web shop, so what's next?
Curing travel woes
One thing that everyone has unfortunately gone through is a bad travel experience. From a bad booking experience to lost luggage, it can ruin a trip before it even starts or detract from an otherwise pleasant journey.Travel bookings and baggage delivery |
Travel bookings
An online travel booking process project showcases the ease of integrating services, purchasing, validation and includes the ability to roll back the purchase if needed in several systems. It contains multiple web services for looking up data for the process and rules to calculate pricing. Furthermore, there are several tasks that can be activated to evaluate pricing and to review the final booking data before completing the booking.
Below are the instructions that include installing OpenShift Container Platform as outlined in step one of this series called, Get a Cloud.
- First ensure you have an OpenShift container based installation, such as one of the following installed first:
- OpenShift Container Platform Install Demo
- Red Hat Container Development Kit (CDK) using Minishift
- or your own OpenShift installation.
- Download and unzip this demo.
- Download JBoss EAP & JBoss BPM Suite, add to installs directory (see installs/README).
- Run '' or 'init.bat' file. 'init.bat' must be run with Administrative privileges:
# The installation needs to be pointed to a running version
# of OpenShift, so pass an IP address such as:
$ ./ # example for OCP.
Log in to Travel Agency to start exploring an online bookings application (the address will be generated by the init script):
- Travel Agency project: ( u:erics / p:bpmsuite1! )
- Travel booking web app:
Lost baggage recovery can be streamlined |
Want to build the Travel Agency demo from scratch? Try this hands-on online workshop.
Lost baggage
Losing baggage after a long trip can only be classified as a painful experience, but with this project you see how the process of registering the loss can be streamlined.
Filling in a form kicks off a process to ensure the fees and frequent flier benefits are correctly applied before the traveller is charged.
These examples ensure exposure to travel experiences on your journey to cloud happiness, providing hands-on with container development and application delivery in the cloud.
Rest of the story
Looking for container-based application delivery solution and hybrid cloud ready? |
- Get a Cloud
- Use a Service Catalog
- Adding Cloud Operations
- Centralize Business Logic
- Real Process Improvement
- Human Aspect
- Retail Web Shop
- Curing Travel Woes
- Exploring Financial Services
- Agile Cloud Service Integration
So stay tuned as this list's tackled one-by-one over the coming weeks and months to provide you with a clear direction towards your very own application delivery in the cloud happiness.
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