Eric D. Schabell: Scotland JBug - AppDev in the Cloud Workshop (slides)

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Scotland JBug - AppDev in the Cloud Workshop (slides)

jbug scotland
As I mentioned last time around, I was heading back to my friends in Scotland to speak at the JBug Scotland.

Last week it was game on in Edinburgh, where I spent the evening with a fun group of people that really seem to enjoy working with open source, containers and developing in the cloud.

It was a full hands-on workshop showcasing application development in the cloud using containers, JBoss middleware, services, business logic and APIs.

To change it up a bit I thought it might be fun to present not from my pre-configured, tested and working installation on my laptop, but to use an attendees laptop to kick off the first installation of our OpenShift Container Platform.

Imagine the powerful storyline, when a presenter borrows your laptop for the first 30 minutes of the workshop and showcases kicking off installation so easy it works on ANY laptop?

It went really well with everyone engaged and staying well beyond the allotted time. We ended up wrapping up around 20:45.

For completeness, here are the workshop slides, followed by the abstract from the workshop:

AppDev in the Cloud Workshop

Ready to get hands-on with AppDev in the Cloud with container based services?

This workshop will let you experience the wonders of Red Hat's open technologies for cloud-based container application development, letting you integrate multiple services in to a polyglot cloud solution. In this workshop you're a developer working for Destinaisa, a travel agency that needs to set up its online bookings applications backend services. You'll be given the OpenShift Container Platform, then installing JBoss BRMS to work in the Destinasia discount rules.

jbug scotlandOnce they are completed, you leverage Ansible playbooks to see infrastructure automation in action. Each playbook will deploy a new container based service to support flight, hotel, car and discount rule queries from your application. In total you will be running 6 container based applications or services in a private PaaS before testing this solution with a REST client, sending a booking and verifying the discounts provided by the rules you implemented.

Again a great time with my friends in Scotland, looking forward to the next trip through Edinburgh!

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