Eric D. Schabell: DevConf.US 2020 - AppDev & Containerization Ask the Experts Panels

Monday, September 21, 2020

DevConf.US 2020 - AppDev & Containerization Ask the Experts Panels

Devconf.US Ask the Experts
The Fall officially kicks off the last few years for me with DevConf.US, and it's no different for 2020 except that it's all going to be virtual.

DevConf.US 2020 is the 3rd annual, free, Red Hat sponsored technology conference for community project and professional contributors to Free and Open Source technologies coming to a web browser near you. Be sure to register.

From Wednesday, 23 Sep through Friday, 25 Sep you'll have a complete range of sessions, workshops, and Ask The Experts panels for you to submerge yourself in and learn all you ever wanted to know about topics ML & AI, Open Source & Process, Evolving Technology, and more.

I was part of the team organizing the track Application Development and Containerization, which gives you two days of fun with AppDev and container topics. Within this track there are two panels I want to share with you, both being held in the free format of ask the experts anything.

There will be two panels in an effort to span the time zones around the globe.

The first will be on Thursday, 24 Sep from 11:30 - 12:15 Eastern Time Zone, which is 17:30 - 18:15 Central European Time Zone, and 23:30 - 00:15 Singapore Time Zone.

The second will be on Friday, 25 Sep from 17:10 - 17:55 Eastern Time Zone, which is 23:10 - 23:55 Central European Time Zone, and Saturday, 26 Sep from 05:10 - 05:55 Singapore Time Zone.

The abstract and speakers are found below.
Devconf.US Ask the Experts

Ask the Experts Panel

Are you looking to spend some time face-to-face with experts in the field of application development and containerization? Join us for an open discussion where you can ask us almost anything around application development, cloud-native development, containers, and how to become effective within these domains. Bring your curiosity, your questions, and be ready to explore the difficult topics with our expert panel of speakers!

First panel speakers:
  • Bilgin Ibryam, Product Manager, Red Hat
  • Roel Hodzelmans, Senior Solutions Architect, Red Hat
  • Eric D. Schabell (moderator)
Second panel speakers:
  • Daniel Walsh, Senior Distinguished Engineer, Red Hat
  • Daniel Oh, Principal Technical Marketing Manager, Red Hat, Inc.
  • Kurt Stam (moderator)
Remember, you get to ask these experts anything you like around application development, such as integration, cloud-native development, containers, container tooling, cloud-native tooling, state of the union, or whatever you can think of.

We look forward to speaking with you all, so be sure to raise your hand at DevConf.US 2020.