Eric D. Schabell: Getting started with Red Hat Business Automation version 7.11

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Getting started with Red Hat Business Automation version 7.11

business automation
 This last week the new release of the Red Hat Business Automation products went live, spanning Red Hat Process Automation Manager and Red Hat Decision Manager with a new version 7.11.

These two products provide a lot over versatility to your developer toolbox and there are some getting started documentation and examples to be found in the above linked pages.

Over the years I've shared so many projects and workshops around all the generations of Red Hat Business Automation products, that you might like to have a little overview of the ones that are now fully updated for use?

Below you'll find a walk through the various projects, demos, and workshops available today for you to get started with the latest and greatest of Red Hat Business Automation tools.

Let's start with the updates that are designed to show you how to get started with the business automation tooling in a hands-on exploratory fashion.

Workshop - Retail online web shop 

This is a true beginners guide workshop for building online retail web shop using Red Hat Decision Manager. It's designed to walk you from nothing, to installing the decision manager tooling, to building your project, leveraging a front end project, and deploying it all on your local machine.

decision manager workshop
Click on image to open workshop and view table of contents

Red Hat Decision Manager - Easy Install

This project is used in the above workshop to quickly get you up and running with the latest decision manager tooling. In just a few easy steps you're fully installed and ready to start developing your projects.

decision manager

Red Hat Decision Manager - Retail Online Web Shop Demo 

An independent project that installs Red Hat Decision Manager and the retail online web shop with a Vaadin front end and rules project supporting online shopping experience. Get hands-on in just minutes with this complete project.

decision manager

Workshop - HR Employee Rewards

This is a true beginners guide workshop for building a human resources employee rewards process using Red Hat Process Automation Manager. It's designed to walk you from nothing, to installing the process automation tooling, to building your project, and deploying it all on your local machine.

process automation
Click on image to open workshop and view table of contents

Red Hat Process Automation Manager - Easy Install

This project is used in the above workshop to quickly get you up and running with the latest process automation tooling. In just a few easy steps you're fully installed and ready to start developing your projects.

process automation

After all of this we have another workshop to get a bit deeper into a real life use case outside of the normal process world.

This is another beginners guide workshop for building a four eyes principle DevOps process project using Red Hat Process Automation Manager.

process automation workshop
Click on image to open workshop and view table of contents

Red Hat Process Automation Manager - Signal Marketing Demo

This project is a financial process with human task integration, rule integration, task forms, and features the use of a signal to add a customer contact moment for the marketing department. It installs the process automation tooling and project on your local machine in an automated fashion.

process automation

Note that all of these projects and workshops are targeting your local machine, in the next article I'll share more content that can be used in containers, operators, and on the OpenShift in a cloud native fashion.

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