Eric D. Schabell: Kubernetes Community Day France 2023 - Observability for Complexity at Cloud Native Scale

Monday, November 21, 2022

Kubernetes Community Day France 2023 - Observability for Complexity at Cloud Native Scale

This Spring, the Cloud Native Community Groups has organized a few Kubernetes Community Days (KCD) across Europe. I've always been curious about these events, wondering if they might allow me to share my cloud native observability insights and meet with fellow practitioners in this space. 

On 7 March 2023 the KCD France 2023 will take place in Paris, France and their call for papers went out in September. Together with a French speaking friend of mine, we're submitting a few talks to see if they will allow us to entertain the KCD France attendees.

The submission deadline closed this week, so I wanted to share my submissions while we wait on the responses from the selection committee.

The following two talks I've submitted, so fingers crossed!

Shifting Cloud Native Observability to the Left

The emergence of cloud native environments has changed our platform world. Not only are you coding, but expected to deliver, maintain, and support all aspects of the platform. This change means the Ops in DevOps has been overshadowing why we got into development in the first place. There is hope for us yet if we can just manage to shift left to close the gap in our time spent on non-operational activities. How do we do that, you ask? It’s imperative that developers are given not only the organizational structure to succeed, and even more critical is the ability to reduce time on triaging failures in their deployments. Attendees will be provided with insights into DevOps cloud native tips and tricks to spending more time on projects that matter and less on call. Join us in learning how you can shift left with your DevOps activities to bring more joy to your days. Attendees to this session will gain insights into DevOps and cloud native tips and tricks for spending more time on their projects that matter and less time on call. Real world actionable insights that bring value to their daily roles.

Attendees to this session will gain insights into DevOps and cloud native tips and tricks for spending more time on their projects that matter and less time on call. Real world actionable insights that bring value to their daily roles.

Submitted to track: CI/CD, Tooling & Best Practices

The second talk is co-presenting with Marius Bogoevici from Red Hat:

Going beyond observability for running complex applications at scale

For many organizations, reliance on business-critical applications that need to be running 24/7, at scale, and with great resiliency has become a way of life. Among examples from many industries, the payments use case from financial services is one of the most illustrative: customers and merchants increasingly rely on real-time payments systems to carry out their day-to-day interactions.

This talk is based on real researched customer solutions in the real-time payments domain as a foundation to discuss the problems of quickly identifying and remediating faults in complex business-critical applications. In such scenarios, it is not enough to simply collect, visualize, and aggregate data, but also to conquer the data overload and separate signal from noise.

Finally, the attendee will be presented with the observability pitfalls of running real-time payments at cloud native scale. We’ll share the challenges with observability data when using open source tooling like Prometheus, PromQL, OpenTelemetry and their open standards when your solution reaches true cloud native scale. Attendees take home actionable insights based on a real life large scale cloud native deployment and observability solution.

Attendees to this session will learn about the challenges to be faced when implementing solutions at cloud native scale, based on a real-time payments use case supported by multiple researched customer solutions. They will leave with actionable insights for their cloud native observability and solution architectures.

Submitted to track: Cloud native application development

Looking forward to meeting with the Kubernetes community in Paris in the Spring!

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