Eric D. Schabell: DataOps Day 2023 - Optimizing Observability Spend: Metrics (accepted)

Monday, July 10, 2023

DataOps Day 2023 - Optimizing Observability Spend: Metrics (accepted)

On August 16, from 09:00 - 15:00 ET, Techstrong is putting on a free virtual event called DataOps Day 2023 and I've been invited to share insights into optimizing your cloud native observability spend. 

As they state on the event site in the introduction, data is the crown jewels of an organization, empowering companies to make informed business decisions, improve operations, reduce costs and increase revenue. Organizations are increasingly adopting DataOps to get full visibility and control of their data pipeline, boost efficiency and quality of data, fuel digital transformation initiatives and maximize business value.

At DataOps Day, you'll be able to take a deep dive into the world of data and DataOps. Register for free to join this online event to hear from data and business leaders who have adopted DataOps to achieve their goals for quality, security and speed.

Let's take a look at the details of my session.

This event has the promise of really good speakers from across the industries we know and a variety of interesting topics that will be covered such as:

  • implementing and executing a successful DataOps strategy
  • turning data into actionable insights
  • incorporating data observability into your DataOps strategy
  • ensuring data integrity and security during cloud migrations
  • simplifying deployment and management of data-intensive cloud applications
  • using AI to automate the data management lifecycle and drive faster, more consistent results
  • differentiating between DataOps and DevOps
  • identifying key data quality metrics you should be tracking
  • establishing data governance policies and standards to keep your business data secure

These are just a few of the things you can expect to find in the content presented on 16 August. Now for a look at the session I'm going to give:

Optimizing Observability Spend: Metrics

Are you collecting just about every metric under the sun and the kitchen sink too? Understanding the cost of collecting metrics and the usefulness of those metrics is the only way to scale in a cloud native world. You can’t get away with just collecting everything as you grow. Your observability teams need to make decisions about what to collect, what to drop, what to aggregate, and still be able to alert, triage, remediate, and do their root cause analysis on a daily basis. Gain immediate insights into high cost data (DPPS), when to drop time series data, and how to determine when the value of that data is at its lowest. Session includes a recorded demo video of it in action.

You can find the exact time for this talk in the event agenda once it's published. Register today for free and see you there!

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