Eric D. Schabell: Cloud Native London Meetup - Cloud Native Bedtime Stories

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Cloud Native London Meetup - Cloud Native Bedtime Stories

I'm heading back to visit my good friends at the Cloud Native London meetup, having been given the opportunity to present again after my first visit in January of this year.

They have +7,000 members and it is, "...the official Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Meetup group dedicated to building a strong, open, diverse developer community around the Cloud Native platform and technologies in London." You can also find them on their own slack channel, so feel free to drop in for a quick chat if you like.

That session I presented in January was about the pitfalls everyone should avoid with cloud data and they live streamed it with a recording available online if you want to revisit.

Now let's take a look at what this meetup looks like on Wednesday, 4 Oct in London.

The actual event details can be found online, but I'll share here too as the invite read.

Welcome to our October Cloud Native London meetup, join us to hear from our three great speakers and network with your fellow techies over pizza and drinks, or alternatively chat and follow along on Youtube!

  • 6:00 Pizza and drinks
  • 6:30 Welcome
  • 6:45 Saeid Bostandoust, (Talk TBC)
  • 7:15 Bruno Lopes, Kubeshop (Talk TBC)
  • 7:45 Break
  • 8:00 Cloud Native Bedtime Stories - Terrifying Execs into Action (Eric D. Schabell, Chronosphere)
  • 8:30 Wrap up

Once again Stephen will be stepping in to host. Have a great month!

Here's my talk and abstract, and note that all times above are in the UK timezone.

Cloud Native Bedtime Stories - Terrifying Execs into Action

Anyone embedded in cloud native teams in any organization can voice their frustrations at not being taken seriously by their executive decision makers. This leads to way too much on-call stress, frustrations, and eventual burnout. With DevOps spending +10 hrs a week on issues, we could all use quick action by our executives when we find ways to fix our issues. The trick is to tell our tales in such a way as to engage, inspire, and effect change in our organizations. This session provides attendees with cloud native bedtime story examples that make your tales land within the executive human mind, and actionable insights to head home with immediate results. Join me for a half hour of power where you are empowered to tell better cloud native stories for better executive decision outcomes.

Key takeaways - attendees to this session will be given a small yet powerful set of examples to help them effectively use their cloud native tales to motivate executives into action. Humans listen to stories (tales) more than they pay attention to pages of charts, dashboards, and data. Learn how to tell your tales, terrifying and educational, with tips and tricks to engage your executives into believing your need for organization’s cloud native improvements.

Looking forward to meeting everyone and if you can't attend, they will be live streaming from a video feed, so drop in virtually!

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